Chapter Fourty One

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POV Christine

After the reception I went up to a hotel room with Joe and Samantha I threw off my shoes and put Samantha to bed. When I came out I saw Joe sitting on the couch drinking a beer. I sat next to him and felt him kiss my cheek. I looked over at him with red cheeks. 
"Will you stay?" I asked.
"If you want me to." Joe said. 
"I want you here tonight." I said. 
Joe leaned over and kissed me and I gave in to him and kissed him back. I let him pulled me onto his lap as he kissed me. Joe pulled back and smirked at me. 
"You don't know how long I've missed you Christine." Joe said as he kissed my neck. I closed my eyes and bit my neck. We made our way to the bedroom and made love for the first time in years. 

One week later it was time for Sophie to get married before The Runaways got back on the road. We all helped Sophie and then Sophie turned to me. 
"Let's make this a double wedding." Sophie said as I looked at her in shock.
"What?" I asked. 
"A double wedding, I'll marry David and you marry Joe." 
"What? I don't even have my dress or my family." 
"We wanted to surprise you, my family and your family is here and we got your dress in the closet." Sophie said as Emily opened the closet to show me the dress I wore when I was supposed to marry Joe the first time. I looked at everyone's faces and couldn't say no after all the trouble they went through. It wasn't ideal and I haven't even been given the chance to talk to Paul but looking down at Samantha I knew I had to say yes. The girls split up and Emily along with Sunshine helped me while Sherrie and Mary helped Sophie. 

When we got to the church I got out with my father and looked over at Paul, I could tell he was hurt. He couldn't even look at me. The girls and guys entered first and then Sophie and I were walked down the isle by our fathers. Samantha was looking at me and Joe with the biggest smile on her face. 
"Did you have anything to do with this?" I asked Joe raising an eyebrow.
"I have my moments when I can be very romantic." Joe said as he kissed my hand. 
"You can't kiss me yet." I said with a smirk. 

After the ceremony we both kissed our husbands and they carried us out the doors. Cameras clicking faster than lightening awaited us and we all got into the limos as quick as possible. When we got to the reception there was dancing, partying, and drinking. It was night that I would probably not remember due to the insane amounts of alcohol I consumed. The only thing I remember is that Paul didn't look or speak to me the whole night which was very painful. The next morning Joe woke me up early because he had to go to the airport. 
"I love you so much Christine." Joe said as he kissed me. 
I hug him after we kissed and then he said goodbye to Samantha. When we opened the door Paul was there to pick him up. He didn't even say goodbye to me. When I closed the door I leaned my forehead against it trying to keep from crying. 

A couple of weeks later Emily found out she was pregnant with twin girls and we were all so excited. The girls and I spent most of our time with Emily and John. Those nine months flew by. The boys were still on the road when it was time for Emily to give birth so she had John and I go into the delivery room. Those little girls looked so much like her. Emily named them Marley and Alexandra. When the boys finally got back from touring they came to see the girls who had already been two months old. Paul and Steven were especially excited to meet their nieces. It was a beautiful and heartwarming reunion. 

POV Paul

After meeting my nieces I stayed when everyone left. I helped Emily put the babies to bed and we went to the balcony with a bottle of wine. 
"Why haven't you spoken to Christine, it's been months, is it because she's married?" Emily asked. 
"Of course it is, I still love her and we almost had it all and then she married Joe." 
"It's not like she wanted to." 
"I know, it was because of Samantha but it still hurts." I said.
"You know that she loves you and I have a feeling things with Joe won't last, theres no love there, sure they care about each other but the love is only one sided." Emily said looking at me. 
"I just feel like this is probably the end of the road for me and her." 
"I don't think so." Emily said softly. 
"What am I supposed to expect Em, she's been married to Joe now for almost a year and they have an eleven year old daughter together." 
"Christine can pretend all she wants but we all know she loves you as much as you love her." 
"I can't keep doing this Em. I'm twenty nine years old and I haven't been with anyone since Christine, it's time for me to move on and find someone of my own. It's either that or be alone for the rest of my life and I don't want to be alone anymore." I said as I looked down.
"Oh Paul." Emily said as John came out to join us. 
"For what it's worth I saw the way she looked at you today, that love she has for you is still there." John said as he sat down next to Emily. 
I shook my head trying to keep from crying as I drank my glass of wine. There was so much pain in my heart and part of it was anger. I didn't want to be angry at Christine but a part of me was. We almost had it all, we almost made it, we were going to be happy and then she married Joe. I understood why she did it but I didn't like it at all. It was getting late and when I finished my glass of wine I got up and sighed. 
"I'm going home, it's late." I said softly. 
Emily stood up and hugged me. "Call me if you need anything." 
I teared up as I hugged her. "I will. Love you." 
"I love you too." Emily said still hugging me. 
John got up and hugged me afterwards. "Don't lose hope, twenty nine isn't that old." 
I chuckled softly. "If you say so."

When I got home I took of my jacket. It had been almost a year that they have been married yet it still cut like a knife. I wanted to call her and tell her that I loved her and another part of me wanted to ask her how she could do this when we almost had found our way back. I walked to the bedroom and sat down on my bed. It was so painful to not have her here beside me. I heard something beside me buzzing. It was my phone. 
"Hello?" I said sniffling. 
"Paul?" Christine asked. 
"I can't talk right now." 
"Paul please, you haven't spoken to me in months." Christine said as I could hear her sobs.
"It's not easy." 
"Do you think it's easy for me!?" 
"I can't talk to you, I haven't been able to because every time I look at you all I feel is pain." I said as I began to cry. 
"You don't know how much I've needed you, open your door..." Christine said as I raised my eyebrow. I hung up and walked over to the front door and when I opened it I saw her. Christine threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly as she sobbed. I wrapped my arms around her clutching her against my body. We both sobbed and her knees collapsed as I held her against me. 
"I love you so much..." Christine said as she sobbed. I couldn't help but cry as I held her in my arms. 
"I'm so sorry..." Christine continued. I held her tightly and couldn't let her go.  

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