Chapter Twenty Eight

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POV Paul

Zach had proven us right. We were book small gigs and one night booked a gig at none other than The Beacon Theatre. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be performing in such a well known venue. How Zach managed to book us a gig at The Beacon Theatre? I had no clue but I wasn't about to question it. The concert had been sold out and I was shocked to hear that. I looked up at the lights and stood by myself on the stage. I took out my phone and called Christine. It rang three times before the familiar voice that I loved answered.
"Hello?" Christine said.
"Hey Christine."
"Hi Paul, what's up? It's been a while."
"Almost a year."
"Yeah, how's everything?"
"Good, you'll never believe where we are playing tonight."
"With two of the girls that I live with dating two of your band members I've heard, The Beacon Theatre. I'm proud of you guys, that's incredible news."
"Thanks, I'm pretty nervous."
"Don't be, you are the most talented person I know, you're going to kill it." Christine said warmly.
I smiled at her touching words.
"I wish you were here."
"I would but Samantha is sick, she got the flu so duty calls. I'll talk to you soon, call me after and tell me how it went."
"I will." I said as I hung up and smiled.

A few minutes later, David and Sherrie arrived at the venue and meet up with me, Joe, and Steven in the dressing room.
"Sophie and Emily aren't coming?"
"Not to this one, they are helping Christine with Samantha." Steven said.
"Guys, this place is full of people, holy shit."
"This is definitely the big leagues." I replied.
"I wish the girls could be here." Joe said.

Ian and Zach had joined and told us it was time to go on. I watched as David kissed Sherrie and one of Zach's assistant led her to a backstage area where she could watch. David caught up and I stood next to him.
"It's been five years with you guys, marry her dude." I said.
"I want to but what good would it be if I popped then question then mentioned hey baby by the way I've got a tour coming up soon."
"I don't get why you haven't asked her before."
"Let's just perform."

POV David

Many months had passed since our big concert. It was one of the best performances we had ever done. After that performance many things changed. My world had been turned completely upside down. I was sitting down at a restaurant waiting for her to arrive. I saw her walking in looking magnificent. I got up and smiled as I pulled her close and kissed her.
"Hey beautiful." I said after kissing Sophie.
"Hey handsome, sorry I'm late." Sophie said.
"Don't be." I said.
Sophie and I had began a romantic relationship a couple of weeks ago. Sherrie and I ended ours, we remained friends for the sake of the band, she was now in a relationship with Steven.


"Months David! I was in the hospital for months and how many times did you come see me? Not one time!" Sherrie yelled.
"I told you why I couldn't do it!"
"That reason shouldn't have mattered! Every single person in your band and all the girls came to see me. Steven came every single day."
"Steven, Steven, Steven, you sure do mention him a lot."
"He played the role of my boyfriend better than my real one!"
"I gave you my reasons, do you think it would have been easy for me to see you hooked up to life support, it would have killed me."
"I understand that, but in the time of my life when I needed you most you weren't there...I'm sorry David but...I can't do this anymore. It's over between us."
"It's over David." Sherrie said in tears.
"Sherrie please..."
"You couldn't be there for me in a time where I need you the most and that breaks my heart, I think about that every single day. I don't know what's going to happen in the future but all I know is that right now, it's over." Sherrie said as she walked out the door.

(End of Flashback)

Sophie had noticed I looked upset and placed her hand over mine.
"You alright?" she asked.
"Yeah, just hungry." I said.
"What did you think of the performance?"
"It was amazing. I loved it, when I see you guys up on the stage, it's where you belong. The look on people's face when you perform. They're entranced. Paul's singing was flawless, Joe on the bass was incredible, and you are the best damn guitarist I've ever head." Sophie said.
Sophie didn't mention Steven and I understood why. No one ever knew the reason for their breakup except for them two. It was private and we all respected that.
"I still have adrenaline running through my veins." I said as I smiled. I couldn't lie, a part of me was still in love with Sherrie but these past couple of weeks with Sophie had been beyond amazing. Feelings grew and we were happy together. I knew she still loved Steven and that our former significant others still loved us. It was evident in the way we exchanged looks. I grabbed her hand and kissed it softly.
"What if we rent a room in The Plaza tonight?"
"The Plaza, isn't that crazy expensive?"
"Soph, The Runaways are on the way to becoming international music stars, I think I can afford a weekend at the plaza, plus I want to spend as much time as I can with you before the tour, it's going to be ten months out of the road. I'm going to miss you." I said stroking her hand.

After the meal, we walked to The Plaza since it was within walking distance. I walked to the front and the young boy manning the desk looked at me with excited eyes. I asked him for a room on the top floor for the weekend and paid for it as I took Sophie's hand and we walked into the elevator. The suite had been one of the largest rooms I had ever been in. I walked over to the mini fridge and popped open a bottle of champagne and poured us each a glass. I held my glass with one hand and with the other I pulled Sophie close wrapping my whole arm around her waist. I kissed her deeply and hungrily. Sophie moaned softly when my hands lowered to her bottom. I pulled away and placed a soft kiss on her neck.
"Tease." Sophie said pushing me playfully.
"Don't you worry, after our drinks I'll make sure you are completely satisfied." I said.
I noticed Sophie looked down sadly.
"What's wrong?" I asked as we moved to the couch.
"I know we both still have feelings for Steven and Sherrie but I've been very happy with you." Sophie said softly.
"Hey, Soph don't be sad. Eventually, I'll move on and so will you and then we will be even happier." I said knowing damn well it was a lie. The love between Sherrie and I was too strong to just get over, same goes for Steven and Sophie. I've seen the way he looks at her when he's hugging Sherrie and there have been times where I'll look at Sherrie in ways that I know I shouldn't. Sophie had teared in her eyes and I put my glass down and cupped her cheeks.
"Don't let your beautiful faced be stained with tears." I said as I kissed her tears away. Sophie started to smile softly.
"I'm just really happy with you."
"I am too, beyond happy. I don't plan on leaving you."
"I'm sorry." Sophie said softly as she nodded. "I can get pretty emotional at times."
"You never have to worry about me running off or being unfaithful to you. I want to be with you, that's why I'm here."
"I want to be with you too."
We finished our champagne and I walked over to the bed and laid down. Sophie got dressed into a red lace nightgown.
"Beautiful, but you'd look even more beautiful without it." I said with a wink as I sat up and removed my shirt. Sophie got on the bed and climbed on top of me.
"Help me take it off." Sophie said with a wink.
I did as she pleased and we made love for the very first time with each other.

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