Chapter Fourty Seven

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POV Christine

The next morning I woke up and saw Paul peacefully sleeping next to me. I smiled as I looked at him and kissed his forehead and I got up. I went to brush my teeth and get ready for the morning. I was still in my pajamas when I walked out of the bedroom. Samantha was watching TV and looked back and smiled at me. I couldn't believe she was fourteen, she looked so much like Joe but was such a beautiful young lady and I was so proud of her. Samantha got up and hugged me as I hugged her back. 
"When did you get so tall? Sam, I want you to know how proud I am of the woman you are becoming. Your father and I may not have had an easy marriage or the happiest relationship but I'm glad we had you because you are one the greatest gifts that I have ever been given. I also want you to know that even though your father may have done things he isn't proud of he loves you very much." 
"Dad was always different when I was around. Dad was caring, and kind, and full of happiness. I will always love him."
Samantha looked down as she spoke. "I just feel like some of this is my fault. I forced you both to be together because I was selfish and you didn't raise me to be selfish."
I placed my hands on her shoulders so she would look at me. "Sweetheart none of this is your fault, we made our decisions and we will deal with the consequences but you did nothing wrong and we both love you very much." 
"Thanks mom." 
"Go get ready and I'' make breakfast." 
Samantha nodded and walked into the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen and began cooking when I felt arms around my waist and kisses on my cheek. 
"Good morning beautiful." 
"Morning handsome."
"Need help with breakfast?"
I turned and he placed his hands on my waist. "I got it, you relax. After breakfast Sam will be picked up by her uncle and we will have the apartment to ourselves. 
"You've cooked for me since I got here. Tonight it's my turn. Sam is sleeping over at a friend's house after Ryan spends time with her right?" 
"Good, tonight is going to be a good night."
"I never thought we'd ever get our happy ending." 
"We got it baby." Paul said before kissing me. 

POV Paul 

Hours later I had just finished making a romantic dinner for Christine and I and placed everything down on the table. Candles were lit and I wore a pair of jeans with a buttoned up shirt and suit jacket. When the door to the bedroom opened I nearly fell over. Christine looked beautiful. Christine wore a yellow spaghetti strapped dress that fell just above knees and wore white heels. Christine's make up was light and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. It was almost as if I was seeing her for the first time. When Christine took a look at her surroundings she covered her mouth. I saw a tear streaming down her cheek and I walked over to her and wiped it gently. 
"Paul this is beautiful." she whispered. 
I smiled at her. "The only beautiful thing I see is you." 
Christine placed her hands on my cheeks and pressed her forehead against mine. "How did I get so lucky?"
"I'm the lucky one." 
"This is unbelievable." 
I kissed her softly. "All we had to do was wait a little while. We did that and now we're here. I never had a doubt in my mind about us ending up together."
Christine looked up at me with smiling eyes and kissed me. "I can't wait to eat the delicious meal you've made for us."
"I think you are going to love it." 
I walked Christine to the table and held her chair out for her and then poured some juice. After what had happened at the studio I help Christine get rid of any form of alcohol that was stashed around the apartment. I sat across from her and smiled. After so many years there was still so much love between us. Neither one of us had ever stopped loving each other. We were different people than we were when we first met yet the love never fizzled out. I continued to look at her. Christine was radiant and her beauty surpassed anything I had ever known before. I had to admit her beauty made me feel like I was back in high school trying to figure out what to say and how she felt. Christine had just made a big decision in her life and I was going to do whatever it took to make her feel safe and comfortable. 
"What are you thinking about Paul?" 
"So many things." 
Christine smiled as she looked at me. "Well don't keep me in suspense." 
I grabbed her hand that was resting on the table. "You probably already know this but damn...I still love you and I never stopped. Not for one second."
"I never stopped either."
"When you and Joe got married I truly thought it was over for us."
"I did too. I married him because of Sam, I wanted her to be happy but it ended up doing more harm than good. We fought frequently and he hit me that one time you came, I know he didn't mean it and regretted it instantly but it was still heartbreaking to see what the drugs had done to him."
Christine looked down and she sighed. "I feel like part of his addictions were because of me, because I couldn't love him the way I should have." 
"Baby, nothing was your fault." 
We ate as we continued to talk about multiple different topics. I would look at Christine whenever I had the opportunity and loved when she caught me. We finished quickly and I watched as Christine got up and walked over to the glass window that overlooked a city that never slept. I followed her and wrapped my arms around her from behind, placing my chin on her shoulder. Christine looked at me and I leaned in until our lips touched. I turned her towards me without breaking contact. I felt her arms wrap around my neck and I pulled her close to me. 

We sat down on the couch a couple minutes later and I lifted her legs onto me as I caressed them. 
"I still can't believe it." she said.
"Can't believe what?" I asked playing with her legs. 
"This. Us. Finally being together." 
"It's happening baby." 
"If someone would have told me everything that was going to happen from the moment I moved to your town I wouldn't have believed it." 
I took her hand and kissed it softly. "I'm just glad we've finally found our happy ending." 
"We are far from an ending, for us this is just a beginning." 
"There you go. That's what I like to hear." 
Christine smiled as she looked at me. "We've been through enough, we deserve this." 
"I'm never letting you go ever again."
I could see Christine tear up. "I love you so damn much." 
"I love you too."
"We can't let anything screw us up this time, I'm going to do whatever it takes to make sure this works because I can't lose you again Paul." 
I smirked and pulled her close to me by her legs until our faces were inches apart. "I'd have to be crazy to disagree with you." 
Christine wrapped her arms around my neck and placed her head on my shoulder. I looked at her face and how the candles dimly lit her face. Our eyes were locked onto each other and we both smiled. I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her softly. The kiss was passionate and filled with love. My hand were tightly wrapped around her lower back. I pulled her onto my lap and our bodies were pressed tightly against each other. Before my mind had time to process what was happening we fell back onto the bed and she was unbuttoning my shirt as I kissed her neck. 
"I've missed you so much." she whispered as she looked at me.
"I have too but instead of just saying it, I'll just show you how much I've missed you."
I lifted her dress and threw it on the floor. I bit my lip as I stared at the matching black laced bra and underwear set she had on. I ripped both off and kissed her chest. My tongue explored parts of her chest and then it lowered to her entrance. I let my tongue satisfy her in a way she had never known before. I felt her legs buckle as she moaned my name. After pleasuring her with my tongue I let another part of myself pleasure her as much as it pleasured me. We moaned each others name for most of the night until we fell into a blissful sleep after hours of lovemaking. 

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