Chapter Thirteen

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Christine and I were in the guest room a couple hours before the show and we were laying down on the bed. We had been talking and watching TV until Christine started kissing my cheek and then my neck. My body heated up under her kiss. When she kissed my neck I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes. Christine climbed on top of me while continuing to kiss my neck and I held onto her hips. 
"What's going on?" I chuckled. Christine smiled and whispered into my ear.
"I think I'm ready." 
"Christine, are you...are you sure? I want you to feel completely comfortable and sure." I said as I looked at her. Christine looked at me and nodded as she took off her shirt. I gazed in awe at her soft, beautiful body. I grabbed her back and flipped us over so I was on top as she giggled. I took off my shirt before I began to kiss her  hungrily. I felt her unfasten my jeans as we continued to kiss. Within minutes we were both completely undressed. The warmth of her body felt amazing. I caressed her breasts before slowly slipping inside of her. Christine's moans were low and sensual, eventually we found a motion that worked for us both and it was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. When she reached her climax I felt myself release moments after. I slipped out of her and we laid down both panting. Christine curled up next to me. 
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah." Christine replied so soft it was barely audible. A part of me didn't believe her but I didn't want to push her to talk about something if she didn't want to. 

Hours later we were getting ready for the show and Christine was looking in the mirror. 
"Can you zip me up?" Christine asked still looking in the mirror. I walked over to her and zipped her up and then hugged her from behind looking at us both. 
"I love you." I said looking at us. I felt Christine's heart start to race. 
"I...I love you t-too." Christine replied. 
"Are you sure you're okay? If something is wrong you can always tell me." I said as she turned to face me.
"I'm okay, just nervous about singing again." Christine said looking down. I knew she was hiding something but I sighed. I placed my hands on her cheeks and had her look up at me.
"You are going to do amazing, like always." I said as I kissed her and felt her kiss back. I finally saw her smile softly as I grabbed her hand and we walked out to the living room. We left a few minutes later and all managed to get to the venue at a decent time. We were excited to introduced three new songs tonight giving us a total of nine original songs. David had written a song called "No More Tears" and he had revealed to us that it was about Sherrie. The second one was one I wrote called "Simple Girl". The last one was one Paul wrote called "Nothing Like Before". The girls helped us unloaded the equipment just like they did last week and we were ready even quicker than last time. We even had time to do a full sound check. Sophie and Sherrie arrived minutes later with a camera for each girl. The girls set up their cameras while we did our sound check and after the sound check we had an hour of waiting until we started.

That hour flew by faster than ever. We got on stage and we started playing to a club full of new and old fans. Christine and Emily killed it again during their song and they even sang on Paul's new song. We had written harmonies in our other songs for the girls so they'd have more of a role in the singing. The crowd loved it and it seemed to be another successful night to which we were grateful. This set was longer than our first one especially with us introducing our new songs. The longer our set was, the better. The audience seemed to love our new pieces too. When it was time for David to play his new song he walked up to the microphone and smiled. 
"This next song was written about a very special person who is here tonight named Sherrie, I love you baby." David said as he started to sing while playing his guitar. It was a great song and I could see Sherrie smile from where she was. 

After the performance we all went backstage and had a group hug. It was another successful performance and from that point on life would never be  the same. The manager gave us another six hundred dollar check and we split it evenly between us, Sophie, and Sherrie. Christine came up to me afterwards and hugged me.
"Your new song was incredible." 
"I'm really glad you liked it." 
"You're a great bass player but your voice is really good too, I like it a lot." Christine said as she kissed my cheek. I took her hand and pulled her closer as she trembled. Christine had a tendency of always getting nervous in close proximity and it was always adorable. I held her arm in my other hand to keep her from falling. We all walked over to the bar and ordered beers to celebrate. When the beers arrived Christine excused herself to go to the bathroom. She arrived a few minutes later. 

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