Chapter Five

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POV Christine

After I slapped Paul I walked into the auditorium as I cried into my hands. Little did I know I wasn't the only one there.
"Christine?" Joe asked. I quickly wiped my tears and looked at Joe.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Are you okay?" Joe asked with a concerned look on his face. I tried to lie but I couldn't as I started to cry again. This time Joe didn't ask me anything but instead took me in his arms. For some strange reason I felt safe in his arms. Joe rubbed my back softly. After a few seconds of silence I looked up at him and faked a smile. "Do you want to talk about why you are so upset?" Joe asked as we sat down on the edge of the stage.
"Not really it's too fresh." I said.
"Should I try to take your mind off of it then?" Joe asked looking at me.
"That might be nice." I said as I felt him out his arm around me.
"I could use my charm and compliment you for the rest of the morning." Joe said with a wink. I felt my cheeks begin to warm up and turn pink. Joe chuckled when he noticed.
"Let me take you out tonight?" Joe said.
"Like on a date?" I asked as I blushed even harder.
"Yeah like a date." Joe said. That was when it dawned upon me. Joe had no idea that Paul and I had feelings for each other. Paul never told him.
"You know what? I would love to go on a date with you Joe." I said as I softly kissed his cheek. After that the bell had rung and it was time for us to get to class.
"I'll pick you up tonight." Joe said as we both walked to class together.


At around lunch I noticed Janet sitting by herself. I sighed and walked over to her and sat in front of her.
"You okay?" I asked.
"Why do you care?" Janet asked.
"Okay see this is your problem Janet. Maybe if you were a little nicer to people you'd have more friends, I like you a lot better when you are nicer." I said looking at her. Janet has been looking down. I could tell it was hard for her to trust people, I understood that too well. It was also worth taking into account she was a victim of teenage pregnancy. Paul was involved too considering he was going to be the father.
"Look, if you ever need anything I'll be here for you, I know it can be scary but you won't ever be alone." I said as I placed my hand on-top of hers as she looked up at me. I gave her a reassuring smile as I squeezed her hand softly.
"Thank you." Janet said softly.
"You know, you aren't so bad." Janet said with a slightly smile.
"Well I try." I said chucking. I spent the rest of my lunch period keeping her company and getting to know her. Once you get past the tough exterior she puts on she's not that bad. What I got from her is that she uses her tough exterior to refrain from looking weak but being kind doesn't make people weak and that's what I tried to explain to her and to my surprise she seemed to agree and understand. Janet wasn't a bad person but perhaps misunderstood.

That night I got ready to take Christine out on a date. I decided to take her out to my favorite pizzeria. I threw on a red button up flannel shirt with jeans and topped off the look with my combat boots and leather jacket. I never went anywhere without my leather jacket. It belonged to my father. After I finished brushing my hair Paul walked in.
"Going somewhere?" Paul asked.
"I've got a date." I said.
"No kidding! Who's the lucky girl?" Paul asked smiling.
"The new girl Christine." I said as I noticed his expression change completely.
"You okay bud?" I asked. Paul shook his head and then faked a smile.
"Yeah man I'm happy for you." Paul said. "Dude I've known you since we were kids so I know when you're faking a smile, what's wrong?" I asked looking at him. Paul looked away before looking back at me.
"Look man don't worry we can talk about it later, go have fun, don't keep Christine waiting." Paul said patting my arm. I could tell something was wrong and I wanted to stay behind for him but I was already running late as it was.
"Paul you're my brother always man I promise and we will talk as soon as I get back." I said hugging him and rushing out the door. I walked into the garage and uncovered my motorcycle. It had been a while since I've ridden it but I thought now was perfect and it would definitely impress Christine. I put on my helmet and raced to her house. I stopped right at the front and when I took off my helmet my jaw instantly dropped. Christine looked stunning. A strapless black dress that reached a little bit above her knees hugged every single curve in her waist and breast. The high heels she wore highlighted her gorgeous long legs. As she walked toward my motorcycle the wind picked up and her long brown hair seemed to flow behind her as she made her way towards me. Christine smirked and lifted my jaw to shut my mouth.
"Carefully Joe, you wouldn't want a fly to get in there." Christine joked. God damn she was sexy. I wanted her badly, more than I had ever wanted anything. I grabbed an extra helmet and winked. 
"Hop on." I said passing her the helmet. 
Christine placed the helmet on and got on the back of my motorcycle and wrapped her arms around me. I loved her touch and as I revved the bike I felt her grip around me tighten and I smirked as we sped off.  

The date was nothing short of amazing and when I got home that night  Paul had already fallen asleep. I took off my shirt and plopped down on the mattress on the other side of the room and fell asleep. The next morning I headed to school on my own very early to work on my song. When I walked into the band room I saw Sherrie. 
"Sherrie?" I asked. Sherrie looked up at me and quickly gathered her belongings and rushed to the door. Before she reached the door I grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her eyes. 
"Sherrie please, talk to me." I pleaded. 
"I can't Joe, it hurts too much." Sherrie said. 
"Sherrie, I never meant to hurt you but please let me talk to you." I said. 
"Joe, I still love you! This is too hard!" Sherrie said as she looked down after yelling. 
"Sherrie..." I said softly. After I said her name she placed her books onto of a table the was right next to us and kissed me. I was so surprised by the kiss but I still kissed her back. Sherrie was my first girlfriend, I had to admit I still had feelings for her but I also had feelings for Christine. What the fuck am I getting myself into. My next actions were controlled by my body and not my mind. I locked the door although it wasn't necessary cause no one would be in the building for at least another hour or two. I leaned her against the door as I kissed her and then picked her up wrapping her legs around my waist, holding her up from under her thighs. My mind was telling me to stop, that I was getting involved in a dangerous game but my body wouldn't listen. My body had more control over me than my mind did at this point. My hands began to roam when my body was pressed against hers holding her up. They roamed mostly around her lower back and then lower until they were placed on her buttocks. As I began to kiss her neck my mind chatter telling to stop grew louder and louder and then I finally pulled away, gently putting Sherrie down. 
"Sherrie, we can't, you know we can't." I said not being able to look at her. 
"It's nothing we haven't done before." Sherrie said trying to get me to look at her. 
"I know, but I just can't. I don't want to end up hurting you again." I said. Without a word, she collected her belongings and walked out of the room, I knew it hurt her but I had continued I would have hurt two women and I couldn't bare to hurt her again or Christine for that matter. 

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