Day 11

43 4 2

What is your favorite villan? Why?

Well, I must say Ghirahim has to be my favorite villan of all time. I mean, just look at him. Yes, he looks a bit...funny, but don't let his looks fool you. He is scary, especially when he tries. When he's threatening you, all you feel is chills down your spine. Like when he says, "I will make your ears bleed from the shrill of your own screams" that is creepy. Oh, but don't let me forget how helarious he is, "my heart was filled with rainbows" he is very amusing. And I also like how you meet him right away, you don't have to wait the whole game to find out who one of the main villans is, you fight him 3 times in this game, and each are memorable. Without Ghirahim, Skyward Sword would not be complete!


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