Day 17

34 5 1

A story about your first Cucco attack, what was it like?

When I was still young, I picked up my cousins DS and began playing Zelda. I can't remember the game, but I remember this well...I was walking around a village when I saw a little Cucco running around. I thought it was so cute! In many games you can use the Cuccos to fly around, and fun like that. So I went to go "pet it" but it ran away. I got sad, so I ran after it. The case went on for a while, I was starting to get mad, I got mad and started swinging my sword around. But then, I hit the Cucco. I gasped as thousands of Cuccos came running after me, I had no time to even realize what was going on before the screen said game was horrifying as a 9 year old..and still haunts me..never mess with the Cucco.


30 Day Zelda Challengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें