Day 27

28 2 0

Favorite and least favorite cut scene?

Favorite: From SS obviously, after you try so hard, you finally find the Triforce and it destroys the imprisoned, or Demise. Zelda is finally able to be awoken from her sleep. Link rushes to go meet her, with a crack in the crystal she sleeps in, as he approaches the crystal breaks and Zelda finally is awake, she opens her eyes and takes a few steps down the stairs, being asleep for so long she is weak, and still very tired. She begins to fall, but Link runs can catches her before she can reach the ground. He holds her in his arms until she is ready to stand and see the people who have missed her all this time.

I was seriously almost crying when I watched this! (Happy tears, happy tears!)

Least favorite: When Ghirahim takes Zelda...So we get Zelda out of her sleep, her and Link are holding hands, then, Ghirahim, you terrible person, hits Link and Zelda with his magic powers or something, then takes Zelda, makes Link paralyzed, so he can get through the gate of time, and ruin all happiness in my life. Thank you Ghirahim, thank you...


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