The ride

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When we walked outside, hodgy and Frank's trucks were parked side by side. Hodgy sat in the front seat of his truck with left brain in the passenger and a curly haired girl in the back. Frank looked like he was almost asleep. They must've been waiting for a while.

Hodgy hopped out of the truck,"I figured we'd probably need two trucks, so I brought frank as backup", he smiled. He looked at me and smiled and I was about to blush when I realized Tyler could be lurking around somewhere. "Y'all can split up", hodgy said to the whole group.

"FRANK! Wake up!!", Earl yelled. Frank jumped in his sleep and buckled his seatbelt, "hey, uh...y'all can hop in- whoever wants to ride with me", he said.

"Where are we going?", I asked curiously as I hopped in. Tyler came in behind me,"to fatburger". I always wanted to go there, but I never went. My mom always said no. She said it was unhealthy.

It wasn't a long ride, but it was long enough for me to find myself asleep in Tyler's arms again. When I woke up, we were there. Tyler carried me in, even though I begged him not to. He lifted me onto his shoulders and I laughed.

After we ordered, everyone was talking and stuff when Tyler randomly said that he wanted to go home and skip school. I almost choked on ice in my root beer.

"Why Tyler?", I asked. I felt like an innocent little girl being influenced by a gang.

"cuz it doesn't really matter to me", he said. Tyler was eyeing the waiter nearing us with what looked like our food. It was. When everyone got their burgers, Tyler realized they put lettuce on his. " aw fuck, why Is there lettuce on my burger?!", he yelled. Everyone laughed.

"just take it off", Travis said.

"I don't need y'all help!", Tyler laughed. The curly haired girl giggled," Tyler, I think you do need someones help".

"shut up, Sarah! I'm grown!!", he yelled. The waiter at another table looked over and everyone burst out laughing. Tyler took a bite out of his burger, "its cool, I guess...its not that bad". All that and he still ate the burger!

By the time we left, I made up my mind that I would take a big risk at skipping school with Tyler. Chances were that my mom wouldn't find out, anyways. We were just gonna go chill at

Tyler's place for a while, maybe go out later on.

"my stomach hurts", Tyler complained as he rolled over on the floor. I walked out of the bathroom and joined him and tuts on the floor.

"aww, what's wrong, baby?", I said in a pouty voice.

"haha, you called me baby", he said, smiling hard. I punched him lightly in the shoulder, " no one ever said I meant it", I laughed.

"please call me that made me feel better", he said really seriously. I looked in his eyes. He wasn't joking, I could tell.

" poor baby, why don't you feel good?", I whined.

"chance, you gotta mean it", he moaned. I tried my best to mean it.

"baby, I love you sooo much". I meant it, but since it was kinda forced, it sounded phony. He smiled. I guess he knew I meant it.

Tyler rolled over and I layer down next to him. Tuts came up and hopped on his stomach.

"Tutsie, please", he said. He brushed tuts away. Now I knew something was up, Tyler always has time for tuts, I know that. I sat up.

"Tyler, what's wrong? Tell me!", I said in a sad voice.

"my stomach hurts, I'll be fine... I just need to rest". I laid against his arm, "I'm gonna go get something to drink".

I went upstairs and poured a cup of coke and some ginger ale for Tyler. I heard the front door open.

"anyone home..?", I heard a voice say. It was Frank.

"hey, Frank, its chance. Me and Tyler are here".

"okay, cool", I heard him walking into the kitchen," is earl here?". To be honest, I didn't know. Alot of them left, "if he is he's upstairs".

"alright,thanks", he said, "where's Tyler?".

"he's downstairs, his stomach hurts".

"probably all those fries he ate at fatburger...ive never see someone use that much ketchup".

"ha, probably why".

I walked down the stairs with the cups in my hands.

" Tyler, I got you some ginger ale", I said. I looked on the ground and he wasn't there. He wasn't on the bed, either.


no response.

I looked around for tuts, and he wasn't there either. I looked in the hall towards frank's room and I saw the bathroom door halfway open. I put the glasses on the bed and walked down to the bathroom. I hesitantly opened the door and saw Tyler leaning against the closed toilet and tuts on the sink. He looked tired.

"Tyler, what's wrong?", I said. I lifted tuts out if the sink and let him run out the room.

" I feel better, I just threw up", he said, laughing a little, "it must have been the lettuce, cause it was green".

"you need to rest", I said. I tried to help him up, but he got up by himself. When we walked out of the room, I gave him the ginger ale and waited for him to drink it all. When he did, I turned on some Netflix and wrapped my arms around him until he fell asleep. He felt a little warm, but I decided to wait it out. He said he felt fine, So he must be fine, right?


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