Comfort inn

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I woke up and realized Tyler wasn't there.

"Tyler?", I said. I didn't want to yell, everyone could be sleep. I went to his bed and saw a lump under the sheets.

"Tyler, wake up", I whispered. The lump shifted and made a purring noise. I felt stupid when I realized it was tuts.

I knocked on the bathroom door and there was no answer. I went to franks door and knocked.


Still no answer.

I heard something move on the ceiling. Maybe they're upstairs.

I opened the basement door and heard noises coming from the kitchen. Earl was stirring a pot over the stove and Tyler was sitting on the countertop.

"Goodmorning", I said. They didn't realize I was there until I had spoken. Both of them turned to see me.

"Goodmorning, Chancelor!", Earl yelled. Tyler smiled and took a sip out of whatever was in the cup he had in his hands.

"Tyler, Can you drop be off?" ,I asked,"I don't want my mom to freak".

"Sure, why not?", he said in a sort of phony voice. I was confused. Was this a game? Everything was all good last night...

Did Earl tell him?

I ignored it and went downstairs to get my bags ready. Tyler walked down the stairs with this big smile on his face. I was so nervous because it felt weird. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a brown pocket knife. It felt like someone took away all the air I had to breath. I was shaking even more with every step he took closer.

"You don't know me, chance", he said," but I'd be damned if you think I don't know you". I tried to speak but the look in his eyes scared the shit out of me.

"I'm not Tyler, that little punk ass bitch", he laughed," don't fuck with Hodgy, or any other niggas around here, you got everything you'll need in me, and if you even dare try to go behind my back, you'll be dead".

I wanted to cry, I wanted to speak, but like I said- fear had gotten to me.

"Okay?!", he said, practically yelling at me. I finally gathered up the courage to speak, mainly because another fear had gotten to me- the fear that I would be killed if I didn't respond.

"Okay.", I whimpered.

"What's going on?", I heard someone say. Frank walked out of his room in boxers and a tee. Tyler quickly stashed the knife away in his pocket,"nothing...just talking to Chance". The look frank gave showed he wasn't convinced, but he shrugged. We both watched as Tyler walked into the bathroom.

"Was it wolf", frank said flatly.


"Nevermind...", He said. he walked up the stairs and I followed. he grabbed his keys and headed for the door.

"See ya, chance", he Said. he didn't even make eye contact. I felt tears coming into my eyes as I stood there, hoping he would come back.

He didn't.

I felt the hot tears run down my face. It felt like they were hiding something from me. I ran into the kitchen with all the tears dripping. Earl was still eating.

"You told him?", I said, voice practically shaking. earl looked so scared. "n-no!", he said," I didn't tell him shit!"

"Don't fucking lie to me", I said. You could here the anger in my voice.

"I swear, chance! wolf can find out whatever he has to. He can make assumptions...witness things on his own"

Who is wolf!?

"Who is that?", I basically screamed. I was going psycho.

"Did he threaten you?"


"Oh lord", earl said rubbing his temples," Tyler has split personality disorder. one of his most violent personalities is 'wolf '".

I heard the basement door open. we both looked and paused. I still had tears on my face and I turned so he wouldn't think anything happened.

"You guys alright?", he said. It was like nothing happened.

"Yeah", Earl said. he went back to eating.

"You ready to go, chance?", he asked grabbing his keys". I was shaking.

"Mhmm....", I nodded.

We walked to the driveway and I got in the back.

"You can get in in the front", he said.

"I...I'm good, thanks".

He turned on the radio and we drove for a few blocks. when we turned the street to my block, I was so ready to hop out.

"This is it", I said when we approached the driveway. I was scared he was going to pull something. I said bye and he smiled and reached for a hug. I glanced at him and hopped out. he gave me a stank look and took off.

Thank god I made it back to my comfort.

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