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I went boarding with the wolves. they were really nice and Tyler let me borrow one of his old boards and we were off to give bread to "randoms" as Earl said.

"Do people ever take the bread?",I asked Tyler.

"This one homeless guy takes it most of the time, so that's who we usually give it to"

I smiled," thats sweet ".

We walked down the street and stopped in front of a 7 eleven.

"Were here!", Travis yelled. i looked around at everything. There was a "no loitering" sign, but someone stuck a sticker with the letters "OF" written in donut letters. "cool sticker", i said under my breath. I put my finger on the end that was peeling and pressed it back on. "it's ours", hodgy said smiling. he touched my hair, "are you Blasian?", he said.

"Y-yeah", I stuttered. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and become a blush.

"G!", Tyler yelled. Me and hodgy turned around,"stop messing with her, lets go!".

As we walked in, we went towards the breakfast section. "wassuh stephen?", Tyler said slapping the side of the toaster. I laughed. This was a nice 7-eleven. Not like I've ever seen. I watched as they put the toast in the toaster. "this may take awhile", jasper said. i leans against the counter and watched the toaster light glow to a neon orange.

Channel orange.


He was on my mind. I can't believe I really met him! this Tyler kid had some good connections and I was beginning to become friends with him. Him and his friends are cool. I hope we can actually become good friends.

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