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I walked to the bus stop. My mom still didn't wake up by the time I was leaving, so I told Sione to tell her. I put my head phones in and blasted music to tune the bus weirdos out. The house wasn't that far away, but I didn't feel like walking in that heat. Cali is no joke right now- and it's not even mid-summer!

I got off when the bus said "ladera heights". When I stepped off, I had to find his neighborhood. I walked for what seemed like forever, passing the same places, asking the same people, seeing the same loiterers, until I found 4316. The lawn was a little...off. The grass was medium height to me, a tilted over garden gnome with "supreme" written on his little hat lay mangled in a tape covered hose. The mailbox said "wolves" with a little, kinda poorly drawn dick under it. The curtains were dark, their was a blow up donut, sort of like the hand-drawn ones I had seen on Tyler's shoes before, on a beat uplawn chair. I hesitantly stepped onto the lawn and walked to the doorstep. I rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door. The doorknob began to shake.

"Fuck it is dummy?", a stranger said. He was kinda short and chubby, a milk chocolate color. "I-I'm here for tyler", I said.

"That's Tyler's girl?", a voice behind the door said.

"I guess...", he whispered, smiling at me. He looked me up and down," you fine and all that, but you really got nothing on my Miley". I sighed, "is tyler even here?".

"Jasper, move your fat ass and let her in, damnit!", another voice yelled. Oh, boy. What did I get my self into.

When I walked in, I saw a bunch of people. The same "taco" dude from school, Jasper sat on the couch, there was a girl, who I assumed was a lesbian- not that I descriminate, a cute lightskin dude with these eyes....eyes that were just beautiful, another dude with a long nose, and one kid with a big forehead and big lips. The one with the big lips kept staring at me. I felt uncomfortable. I sat between the cute on and the girl. They were talking, but I put my headphones in and turned on some chance the rapper. After a while, that guy taco was staring at me, then he said something and everyone else stared at me too. I turned my music off and acted like I couldn't hear, but I could.

"She's listening to 'good ass intro', I can hear it", taco said.

"Damn, Travis, why you so nosey?", the cute one said.

"She turned the music off, she can hear you guys", the girl said.

It got awkwardly quiet. "Can you hear us?", the long nosed one asked. I nodded.

"Shit...that's weird", taco said. I nodded again.

"We know chance", big lips said. At first I thought he meant me, but I realized he meant the rapper. "Cool.", I said.

"She doesn't care", Jasper said. "I talked to you earlier", he said, ignoring Jasper.

So he's Earl? He looks nothing like tyler. Maybe their not really brothers, like Frank isn't Tyler's older brother. "Earl?", I asked. He nodded, smiling proudly.

"Where's frank?", Jasper asked. "Him and tyler are in the basement", the long nosed one said. I rolled my eyes. Were they all in on the frank ocean bit?

"You can go down there if you need to", the girl said.

"Okay", I said,"what are you guy's names? I'm chance"

"Hi chance", taco waved and grinned really hard,"I'm Travis, but all my friends call me taco. You can, too If you just get on your knees and su-"

"I'm syd, and taco is my little brother, he's just a shit, though. Don't mind him", the girl said, cutting him off before he could ruin it.

"How you doing, ma? I'm hodgy", the cute on said, putting his hand on mine.

I smiled and turned to the long nosed one, waiting for his name. "Left", he said. There was a pause, "just call me left", he said slowly. They all laughed.i looked at earl.

"thebe Neruda kgositsile, or earl if you must", he said all proper.

"I'm Jasper dolphin, and I'm not fat", Jasper said. Syd rolled her eyes and laughed, "sure you aren't".

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