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I screamed to the top of my lungs for help. I got up and ran towards Tyler. He was bleeding from his upper body area, but I couldn't see the wound. I felt around his abdomen and his chest, and the blood stain on his shirt grew larger. My hands were stained with blood. I was breathing heavily. "Tyler, you're going to be fine, it's okay", I cried. He was fading in an out of consciousness. Blood was everywhere. "T, Stay awake... baby can you do that for me? please...", I said. He opened his eyes and mumbled something. He tried to move, but he winced in pain.

"Tyler... c'mon".

He looked at me again, his eyes were glossy. "are you okay", he said in a quiet voice, barely a whisper.

"yes, Tyler", I smiled a little. A tear ran down my face.

"then I'm okay". I lifted his head a little and held him up. He let out a groan. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm going to call for help". I searched my pockets for my phone and realized I left it with the picnic things. I didn't even notice that the shooter was already gone, he probably fled the scene. I heard sirens in a distance and I sighed in relief. Thank god someone was there. A park rangers truck pulled up and two rangers jumped out of it. They rushed towards where I kneeled next to Tyler's body. The male ranger spoke into his walkie talkie, "we need backup at site 7, two wounded". When he said that, I remembered my graze wound. The pain wasn't noticeable until I saw all the blood, and just remembering it was there sent a wave of pain through my body.

The male ran to the ranger truck and pulled out a gurney. The woman helped me off the ground and she wrapped gauze around my wound to staunch The blood flow. The pressure against it made the pain more bearable. They lifted Tyler off of the ground and onto the gurney. They Took his shirt off and checked for the wound.

"Bullet wound in his lower abdomen. I can't see exactly where the bullet is, but it's very deep. I really wanted to just fall out and go to sleep. What did I get myself into, I thought. The woman helped me to the truck.

"you're going to be fine, okay?", She said.

"But...Tyler...", I said. My voice was raspy and tired. I looked back at him. His body was laid out on the stretcher, and he looked dead. "Ty...Tyler!", I yelled. I broke free from the rangers' grip and ran to where he lied, appearing almost lifeless. I heard the lady running after me. "Ma'am", She said, grabbing my arm. I flailed my arms around, "let me go! He needs help"

"we're trying to do all we can until the paramedics arrive, ma'am pleas calm down", she said. The man lifted the gurney and rolled Tyler away. I let out a loud sob and fell to the ground.

"its gonna be fine", the lady said. She helped me up again and I broke free, running down the hill to get our belongings.

she followed after me. I grabbed up as much as I could, the food, my jeans, His speaker and my phone. I bent over to grab the blanket and a sharp pain went through my arm. I let our a loud sound and the woman had finally caught up with me.

"is this you guys' stuff", She asked.

"yes", I said.

"its okay, We'll gather it up for you", She said.

I sat on the grass and examined my surroundings. The sun was going down now. My mom is probably looking for me. I watched the ranger pick up the blanket and fold it.

"'s that your boyfriend?", the ranger said. She didn't look at me, she just kept folding.

"Yes", I said in a low tone. I cleared my throat.

"You're a real trooper", she said, "sticking by his side at a rough time like this. You put you're pain aside and made sure he was okay before you even acknowledged yourself. Takes a lot". She had a heavy country accent. I nodded. I didn't want to talk about it.

"Crazy, last time an incident happened here it was a woman who got shot. She died because whoever she was with fled the scene and left her for death. Tragic". She caught my attention when she said that.

"When was that?", I asked.

"Um...about a year back. The family wanted little media coverage.", She said," the lady had a son who was there. I think seeing that messed the poor child up. He's in high school". She grabbed all the stuff up and I could hear sirens approaching us. Red and blue lights flashed over the hill.

"Tyler...", I whispered. I dashed up the hill and a movement of my arm sent pain through my body, but I pushed through it. I could see them opening the doors to lift Tyler into the ambulance.

I pulled out my phone, "c'mon, c'mon...", I said as I dialed Frank's number. It rang a few times.


"Frank! Thang God-"

"You've reached frank, sorry I can't answer-". I hung up. I slouched over and dialed Taco's number.

"Hey Chance", he staid, "what's up?".

"Taco... Tyler was shot", I said.

"W-what?", he said in shock. "How?"

"I don't know", I said on the verge of tears, "we just..."

"Text us where you guys are, we're on our way". I didn't know what he meant by "us", but I assumed he meant the wolves. The ranger walked up the hill with our belongings and I hung up. I walked towards the ambulance. One of the paramedics looked at me.

"You can hop in, let us help you up", he said, motioning for another paramedic to help. They lifted me up into the back of the ambulance. Tyler was on the stretcher as a paramedic checked his body.

"Low vitals, we gotta get him to the hospital, fast", she said. I felt like I was going to panic. I felt myself breathing heavily, everything around me spun. "Calm down, ma'am. Everything is going to be fine, we just....". Everything went black.

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