'Fess up

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"So...he's making threats to you?", Sione asked. it felt so wrong to tell someone, but if I could tell anyone...it would be Sione.

"Yeah! he pulled out a knife!". I was pacing around the kitchen, so nervous I could barely get the words out. I was shaking so hard. It was Monday and I knew I would have to approach Tyler in class- especially If we worked on the projects in class. I felt better now that I got that off of my shoulders.

"I'll take care of it if I have to", he said standing up and grabbing his phone. I felt all the energy drain my body.

"No! Er- I mean, just don't, Sione...it's fine". I didn't want him to get hurt.

I asked him to give me a ride to school. Usually I'd walk, but today wasn't the day. The ride was silent until we approached the school. I saw Tyler with the wolves and tried to go unnoticed, or at least act like I didn't see him, but just like the first day we met, I could feel his eyes burning through me. I awkwardly waved and he rolled his eyes and went back to the others.

"That's him?", Sione asked.

I grabbed my bags and opened the door," I got this, si", I nervously laughed,"dang!".

He glanced uneasily and shook his head,"whatever, chance...but if I have to shank a boy-", he yelled as I approached the door.

"Calm it, like I said- I got this". I heard him laugh as he rolled up the window and I opened the school doors.

Every step I took closer to the classroom made me scared. I could here the teacher talking from the room, but it must have been a sub. I walked in with my stuff because lately, no one used their lockers.

I walked in and saw a Middle Aged woman sitting at the desk. My eyes automatically drew to Tyler's, which were burning through me. I felt so cold thinking he would say or do something.

"you must be chance, Tyler told me you were here", she smiled, "I'm Mrs.Samuel".

Why would Tyler be telling people anything about me?

"Yep, that's me". I took my seat and began to draw in my book. I still felt his eyes burning through me, but then my phone vibrated in my back pocket. I pulled it out and read the message in my desk.

Tyler: who was that you pulled up wit today 😒

I didn't even bother replying, I just gave him a "whatever" glance and rolled my eyes. He made a straight face and looked back down, probably typing in his phone.

My phone vibrates yet again!

Tyler: don't do me like that...

Me: like what, Tyler

Tyler: you acting brand new, but why??💀

Me: you know why

Tyler: chance! I don't fr...tell me now!😤

Me: you pulled out a fucking knife on me 😠 you expect me to forgive and forget that quick? cause you must have it wrong buddy

Tyler: I never pulled out a knife... but it's w.e 😒

I Rolled my eyes and tucked my phone away seeing the teachers eyes on us.

"Is something wrong, chance and Tyler?"

"No", we said in unison. I heard Quince laugh in the background and I gave him a serious look.

"Chance and Tyler... that's cute", he whispered to the girl next to him. I think her name was Nolan.

"Shut the fuck up, that's none of your business so leave it to them", she replied, not even making eye contact with him.

I laughed as the teacher gave him the eye. She went back to her desk and told us what to do for class.

Partner work. great.

I moved to the back with tyler.

"So... do you not remember anything?", I said straight faced.


You've got to be kidding me! how doesn't he remember.

"Who was in that car??", he yelled.

"It was my cousin, damn!"

Tyler looked down. He making assumptions and shit...

"How do you not remember, were you drunk...high?"

"I don't get drunk, nor high, thanks".

"Then... what made you forget??". I was getting frustrated.

He shrugged his shoulders," I'm like...99% sure I did NOT do it"

I rolled my eyes and went back to doodling.

"So...did you decide on the project subject?", he asked me.

"How about 'memory loss'"

He slammed his hands on the desk, startling me a little, "listen, chance... I don't know what the fuck is going on in your head, but I don't know what your talking about!".

All eyes were on us, I heard a few laughs, gasps, and whispers. A blush rose into my cheeks, but not the cute one- an angry one. Why doesn't he remember anything? Does this always happen with wolf?

Will he turn into wolf?

I grabbed my bags. " Is everything okay back there, tyler and-",the teacher started.

"Everything's fine, I guess", I said

"I just need time to figure out what's 'going on in my head'". I got up and walked out the door. I turned to see the last face Tyler made, but I'm not even exaggerating when I say this:

He didn't look like my happy, music loving, fun Tyler.

It was wolf.

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