"My only option would be to knock you out, or force you down" he said and monsters all surrounded me and I rolled my eyes "what is your choice, my lady?"

I paused a bit, I know I will have to go right now, and since Eliza will tell the others what happened here, I don't have to worry, however this made a question come to my head, why me?

Why am I so special? Why does it have to be me who kills Bill?

"Fine, I'll go" I turned to him, pulling myself from my thoughts and he stood up, shapeshifting into a huge bird.

"Climb up" he turned to the monsters "seize the other humans" he ordered and I shouted before I could think.

"No!" I froze as every eye turned to me. "J-just let them go" I stammered but hardened my eyes as I finished, looking at Zagan who looked at me for a brief moment before giving in.

"Very well then" he spoke with a sigh "get back to the fearamid for now" he commanded the other beasts.

They all nodded and went away, using their own means to get back whilst I climbed up on the bird.

"Don't tell Bill that I was with them" I spoke with a unmoving voice and he chuckled again.

"As you wish" he spoke, before taking a turn. A thought popped up in my head.

"How did he knew where I was..? Or if I was alive?" I wondered aloud.

"He doesn't know that you are alive, I didn't either. I had been given the job of tracking your family, I found you with them" he said with a thoughtful hum, and we entered the clouds, they were black, and red, ominous and heavy.

"Don't get distracted, my lady, these clouds enter your body through breathing and show you your worst nightmares" he warned me and I snapped out of a trance, covering my nose.

"How do you know?" I asked him and there was a suffocating silence.

"I've encountered it before" he spoke in a pained tone. We went silent again.

"Zagan, how did Bill find you? And why?" I asked him, curious of his story.

"Why are you so interest, my lady?" He asked me, suspicious.

"No reason in particular, it's just.... I spot a gold spot in your... demon heart" I spoke the truth, the way I saw him, he seems so gentle at certain moments.

"I see" he spoke, his tone blank.

"So, will you tell me?" I asked him again, looking at his bird face.

"My Lord found me near the Great Lakes. I was scouting and collecting food when he grabbed me, asking if I knew anything about human anatomy and medical stuff, I nodded, startled. He took me to you, you had a wound on your chest, when you were unconscious, he watched me as I bandaged you, and checked your health" he spoke in a reminiscing tone.

"How did you end up striking a deal?" I asked him.

"As I treated you, I realized he was protecting you, in the same way I wanted to protect my daughter, so in exchange for being his spy, I got the power to protect my daughter" he told me and I nodded at his story.

"You have a daughter? What about your wife?" I paused, wondering if I should ask.

"My wife was eaten by one of Bill's monsters" he spoke in a distant tone and I realized I shouldn't have mentioned it in the first place.

"Do you despise Bill for that?" I asked.

"Not really, I was never close to my wife as I am with my daughter" he spoke with another blank tone and I nodded again.

We soared, this time, we entered a portal, I grabbed him tightly as colours swirled around, until I felt the normal atmospheric pressure. I looked around, we were just outside the fearamid.

"I'll have to ask Lord to get rid of that wormhole" he spoke and I tilted my head, so that was a wormhole and not a portal.

"Why? Didn't he make it or something?" I asked him with a raised brow.

"No, the wormholes appear randomly, and connect distances randomly, we just happen to pass by one connected to here, we got lucky I guess, besides, this one connects the outside with the interior of the barrier" he said "it's a trouble" he finished and I realized, the fearamid is inside a barrier only monsters can pass, Bill must have set it up recently when we were saving Stan.

I breathed out as we entered the fearamid through another wormhole. So this is the entryway, I should keep it in head just in case. In front of the throne, Zagan let me down, before transforming and standing in front of me. Bill was on his throne, looking bored.

"Welcome back you" he spoke emptily, his eyes looking at the ceiling.

"Master, I have something I must show you" Zagan spoke and Bill turned his eye to us, as Zagan presented me. Bill's eye widened as patterns flashed instead of his pupil, he lightened up.

"What about your report?" He asked with a brighter tone and Zagan nodded.

"The Pines family only lack Ford, the other zodiac are with them, and they are on the move to save the rest, nothing else to note" Zagan reported.

"Why am I not surprised? How boring" he focused on me "where did you find her? She was alive?"

"Yes master, she is alive and in good shape, I found her in the forest in search of the Pines family, I grabbed her before she could find them, however" Zagan spoke. Bill nodded, his eye fixated on me.

Under his gaze, I noted I was burning up like fire, black dots appeared before me as I almost passed out right there, but I kept a hold of myself, nervousness pooling inside of me.

"Zagan, I want you to monitor Planet Searia" Bill ordered and Zagan kneeled.

"Yes, my lord" Zagan said and disappeared. Bill turned to me again, stretching his hand to grab me before dropping me into a portal he likely made. I fell on the bed, back in the familiar penthouse suit. Bill came in behind me as the portal closed. My body continued heating up as I felt a fire inside me.

He turned into the familiar blonde I had known once as Abigor, before walking up to me with a blank face. I did not move, my mind fogged up with racing thoughts as I froze.

Bill however, did not do anything but pull me into an embrace.

He very gently squeezed me as if I were porcelain as the hotness dissipated, my temperature went to normal as I relaxed, feeling calmer.

"I'm glad you are alive" he spoke and kept holding onto me, for a long while, unmoving, silent. I just kept sitting there, letting him hold me.

After a really long time, he pulled away, tilted his head.

"So you met your family, did you not~?" He spoke cheerfully, but his tone held a dangerous edge to it.

I feigned anger "I could not, thanks to your little Zagan" I hissed. Bill chuckled and pushed me down, pinning my arms over my head with one hand, pinning my legs under his body as he tilted my head up to face him with a finger. My face heated up despite not wanting to as I felt butterflies in my stomach, my mind went on alert as he gave me a knowing smirk.

"Little Magician, no point in lying, I know everything" he cooed to me as my brain overloaded while I tried to force myself into calming down.

"You met them, didn't you?" He spoke again, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

"How do you know?" I breathed out, somewhat succeeding in calming myself.

"I can feel your magic surging through you" his words were suddenly full of venom as he pulled away.

"Well, I have a soldier who keeps secrets from his master, guess he will have to be punished" he muttered to himself.

"I-it was my fault! I pleaded him to not tell you" I confessed and he gave me an empty blank look.


I'm sorry I keep forgetting I have a story to update QwQ but please bear with me I need to prepare for my exams.

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