Chapter 30: The End (of This Year) is Near

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It's June. The summer is coming up very quickly, which means the school year is ending quickly as well.

Honestly, I don't talk about school because it isn't as lively as what I experience outside of school. Confidential information that's just...boring. Does making it confidential make it sound less boring? It doesn't make it less boring. It's just learning!

Well, because the year is almost over, we don't really learn anymore. Meaning...

"Party time!"

"No hats," Zap muttered.

"Party! Time! Means! Hats!" I grabbed a pillow and slammed it (it's a pillow, no need to worry. Also, the boy is strong.) on Zap's head. "Party hat!"

"Why do I let you do this to me?" he asked, mostly to himself. Because my hands were still pressing down on the pillow, he couldn't take it off easily. Sighing, he ducked and rolled away.

"Aww! But the hats!" Sadly, I threw the pillow back to his bed. That's right, we're at the Electric Zone.

Angel shook her head. "Come on, Zap! Just wear one for today!" She picked up a plastic red cup and placed it over her head. "Anything can be a hat!"

Zap grabbed a trash can. "Pacifia—"

"You're not winning this fight!" I ran and dove headfirst into the (thankfully empty) trash can. "This counts as wearing it!"

"Does it, though?" Zap grabbed my hips and pulled me put of the trash can, causing me to be suspended in the air with my legs up and my head pointed toward the ground. And lucky me, I decided to wear blue jeans today. On a hot June day. Okay, so I'm lucky, but I'm stupid. Zap loosened his grip so that I could rotate into an upright position and land on the ground on my feet, as a normal Elemental does after they dive headfirst into a trashcan and get pulled out upside down: they rotate 180 degrees in the air and drop.

Atlanteon decided to stay home due to recent fights he had with some of the party members (although he mentioned talking to 'thunder boy' prior to Valentine's Day?). Quake wanted to spend as much time with his mentor, as they would part ways the following year, so he's out, too. The other Silver Electrics were in the other room (where Electron, Pixel, Neutron and Discharge sleep), and so it was only Zap, Angel and I.

"Okay," Zap said. He tapped the table Angel was sitting at. "Anything can be a hat—"

"In a logical perspective, anything can be a hat in a certian condition. Size, shape, all that matters." I looked at the table, fearing for the well-being of my head.

"So this table can still be a hat. Good to know." He walked over to his bed. He opened his personal cabinet and pulled out a bar of chocolate. "Can this be worn as a hat?"

"Let's check!" I said, grabbing the bar. I unwrapped it and shoved it into my mouth without thinking about whether this was perhaps poisoned or drugged or whatever.

"That chocolate was poisoned and drugged," Zap said, reading my mind. (It was the only two things you could do to a chocolate bar to sneakily kidnap somebody, anyway. Or something in that region.) Because Zap wanted to play those kinds of games, I fell to the ground and pretended to lie motionless.

"Okay, Angel," I heard Zap say. "Now we can toss her off the Cliff without her using the ocean to help herself."

"Finally!" I heard Angel reply. "Let's go now!"

I felt myself being lifted by four arms. Even if they did follow through with that, I was still conscious. Yes, this is what my caring friends do to me. After a while, I heard the familiar sounds of the Cliff. I felt a shift in altitude and then felt myself laying on grass. Grass is what the Cliff edge is covered by. I opened my eyes. "You didn't kill me," I said.

Elemental Academy: Rushing Waves (Silver Year)Where stories live. Discover now