Chapter 27: Breakdown

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It's best if I explain everything and why being with Atlanteon has it's pros and cons.

I'll explain the pros first because there are less pros than cons. (Don't be convinced—even with Zap there are still more cons than pros. I just have to figure them out.)

I feel a sense of protection with Atlanteon because of how tall and strong he is. Like I said, he gives me time so that I can visit the Cliff and Storm.

Well, not so much Storm.

Last time I visited him, he gave me a short speech:

"Pacifia! I know you're my sister, so when you visit me, I always feel like it's more important that I talk to you than my friends. So can you please not visit, so that I can spend more time with my friends?" A typical thing to say for a 10-year-old. Meaning, he enters the academy in three years!

"Okay, I won't visit you that much. See you in three years!"

"Yep! I'm excited to be in the main Academy!"

That was the end of that.

That meant I had a few hours each day to be at the Cliff. It is relaxing, but it does get really boring. The Cliff now accounts for 55% of my naps.

I'm not embarassed to say that I've fallen off the edge multiple times, but I am proud to say I have been able to wake up and save myself...most times.

Last time, it hurt a lot.

But, it's sand, so it's okay.

Well, it's not water, so it was still painful.

Okay, that's beside the point.

More pros:

Um, we're moving on to the cons.

You know, this relationship really just hit me in the face, so it's difficult to keep it under control. I mean, we're all still fourteen, so it's not like we're masters at doing this.

Another con: Unlike Zap, Atlanteon's got all the plans when we're together. He's basically directed our relationship. I mean, it's still a half-pro, because I don't have to expend brainpower on deciding on a place to go.

I have yet to get him to come to the Cliff with me.

Okay, I've got more pros now.

Everytime I look at him, I'm reminded of the ocean, because of his teal eyes.

Well, that's all. Let's return to the Academy.

💧 Garden 💧

It had been two months since Atlanteon and I got together. It's worth noting that Zap is fourteen now. Atlanteon was, on the other hand, well on his way to being fifteen.

"Zap, Angel, I think it's time for a proper introduction," I said.

"Let's begin with us!" Angel said. She shook Zap slightly. "This is your ex."


"Nice to meet you, 'your ex.' I'm Atlanteon." Atlanteon extended his hand.

"Hey. You remind me of those big chunks of seaweed." Zap remained seated.

Atlanteon narrowed his eyes. "You, on the other hand—"

"Quit it!" Angel backhanded Zap's shoulder. "This is Zap. I'm Angel."

"Mm. Nice to meet you, Angel." Atlanteon turned to me. "Have we finished?"

I looked toward the other two, who were in quiet conversation. Once they finished. The two of them walked to the other side of the Tree.

"We're done. Let's go."

As we were walking away, I heard a shout from Zap. "Angel! Get off me!" I turned, confused. Atlanteon and I walked to the back of the Tree and were momentarily on the ground, courtesy of Zap's EP.

"We'll see you two later." Angel put a hand above us, and we were both clouded in darkness, which led to my unconsciousness.

I awoke to see Atlanteon...fighting Zap. A full on attack as if it was between two enemies, sword on sword. Angel was sitting against a tree, clutching her stomach.

We were in the Forest, full of trees. And these two were somehow swiftly slashing with swords.

"I'm not just going to let you hit Angel like that!"

"Don't play the victim! You knocked both of us out with your shocks!"

"It didn't do damage! You're trying to kill her!"

"Oh yeah? You want to see that?" Atlanteon dashed to Angel.

"You maniac!" Zap sped and jumped on Atlanteon right when he threw his sword, which hit Angel's...arm, which she held up to stop it from hitting her face.

Zap jumped off and in front of Atlanteon. He kicked his chest and ran to Angel.

"Ah, geez...I think I might be dying," Angel muttered.

"Oh, really?!" Zap replied, sarcastically. He eyed Atlanteon's sword, which was on the ground and covered in blood. "We've gotta..." he looked towards the hospital. "Ugh, none of this was supposed to happen. Alright, no hospital. We've got to improvise." He turned to see Atlanteon rushing Zap, fists clenched. Zap thrust his hand and knocked back Atlanteon. "Back, Seaweed Clump."

I walked towards Atlanteon. "Why...why did you do that?"

"It could've been worse for us. Why do you still trust these two?"

"They've been my friends for a year! And one of them..." I cleared my throat. "One of them has been someone close to me, and I left them behind. Come on, Atlanteon, we should go."

"Fine..." Atlanteon extended his arm, recovering his sword. He and I walked back toward the main Academy. I looked back to see Zap and Angel closer than they were last time.

💧 Water Zone 💧

"Pacifia, you're doing something wrong," Flow was saying.

"Am I, though?"

"I'm sorry, you said Angel was dying?" he answered.

"Um, I think Zap's taken care of her."

"But—okay, never mind. If that's your answer, you're hopeless. Just hope that Atlanteon doesn't screw you over too."

"I'm pretty sure he won't," I said.

"Well, does he have to hurt you to screw you over?"

"I guess not..."

"Right. Keep watch of him. If he's controlling your relationship, it won't be hard for him to control you too. Beware."

"Mhm." Flow returned to his nap, while I was sitting on my bed, looking straight toward nothing.

I hope Zap did take care of Angel.

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