Chapter 26: Atlanteon

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Has anyone actually thought of Elementals beyond their friend group?

I mean, in your Rank and Element, at least. Well, in Zap's situation, there's only eight of them (all in Silver), and they're all friends. There are currently 14 Water Silvers, and I know Flow and River, leaving 11 I don't know about. I've never really thought about the two other bunk beds and the second room for our Rank. Eleven is a large number, especially if I plan to know these other Waters personally (I don't, however).

I tell you all this because I'm going to go back into the past. A couple weeks, I think.

So here's the story:

Flow and I were discussing the topic stated above. "Wouldn't it be good to get to know some of the other Silvers?" he had asked.

"I don't care if I'm spending the next 8 years with them. I see no benefit in engaging with them."

"That's a smart move, isn't it?" We ended our conversation there, except Flow had one more thing to say. "Although, there's this one Silver that's a quite odd one. He's tall, immensely strong, and he's swayed many people. Just...if you do take my advice into consideration, watch out for him."

I mean, I tried my best to follow his advice. I may have failed, but I tried.

How did I fail? Well, two weeks after that, I did try to talk to the other Silvers. I was in deep conversation with a pair when I noticed someone looking at me out from the corner of my eye.

Later that day, that same guy (a Water Silver, you catching on?) stopped me on my way from the Kitchen to our Zone and forced me into conversation. This is how it went:

"Hey, you're that one girl I saw earlier today. Weren't you talking to Ray (as in StingRay) and Coral (as in...coral)?"

"I guess I was. Did you want something?"

"It's not something I want, really. It's something I desire."

I was thinking, what could I have that he would desire? All I have on me all the time is chocolate. Loads and loads of chocolate. "What's that?" I asked, confused.

"We can talk about that soon," he replied.

Two days pass.

Our second meeting is him backing me onto a wall. He made no advances or such, but I could already guess what he 'desired.' "I—"

"I don't care what you have or don't have." He stared into my eyes.

This is the bad part. Therefore, I'm going to skip it.

That night, Atlanteon (the guy's name. I skipped a little, as you know) and I walked to the Garden to visit Zap and Angel. I was...well, I wasn't exactly drunk, but I wasn't so sober, either. I was...enchanted. Because Atlanteon had stupid teal eyes.

And his stupid teal eyes made stupid me say, "Zap! Angel! Have you met my boyfriend, Atlanteon?" And my stupid self meant that entire sentence at the time.

Zap blinked. He turned to Angel. He looked back at Atlanteon and me and said, "No. No, I don't think I have. But now's not the time for me to meet him." With that, he had left.

Angel, on the other hand, walked up to me and whispered, "Are you stupid?" She then also left. I turned to Atlanteon, confused.

"Don't worry about what they may say," he said. "We should go back, now."

And my stupid self followed him and his stupid teal eyes.

The next morning, I had planned to tell Quake, too, because I was still enchanted, but Atlanteon shook me and said, "You don't need to share this to everybody. Just stop talking about it."

My stupid self listened to him and his stupid deep, calm voice.

Okay. That's all that matters. Back to the present so I don't have to share the kissing and hugging and whatever the hell I'm going to stop talking and now my grammar is imperfect and now I'm thinking on all the stupid things I've done.

But I...I could've prevented all of it.

Had I not:
-Loved the color teal
-Let myself get backed onto a wall by a strong guy that was into me
-Looked into his stupid teal eyes!

Well, everything has collapsed now. Um, on the bright side, Zap still talks to me, as does Angel, but Zap doesn't...the way he talks to me is like how he talked to me right after Angel cleared our mess last year.

It's not a good way he talks to me. Well, Angel talks to me like she always has, but every so often (twice every conversation that we have) she berates me for getting together with the, and I quote, "dumb tall strong guy who just so happened to have eyes the color that you love."

She's definitely wrong.

Being stronger and much taller than Zap, Atlanteon has actually helped me out more than Zap ever has.

But I still lost something with Zap, and I regret it. Not as much as I should, but I still regret it.

Atlanteon for some reason leaves me alone after 8:30 each night. The good thing is, I find time for the Cliff and for Storm, who I had not ever visited when I was with Zap.

Should I be happy? I get to spend more time with my little brother now, right? I mean, he gets into the main Academy in 2 years, where I'll be a Diamond Elemental.

I don't really see how Zap was better than Atlanteon.

Well, except for the fact that Zap had never used me as target practice.

That's beside the point.

Don't mind that.

Atlanteon is...better than Zap. So be it. He just is.

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