Chapter 1: Checkpoint

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We're finally back in school. I can't believe only 3 months have passed since the last day. It was so lively too... it felt like so long ago.

Hi there. My name's Pacifia. I'm so excited to see what's going to happen this year! Hopefully it'll be livelier than last year... even if some events were unfortunate. But that's all right! Adventure is adventure, either way.

As the morning sun of the first day rose upon the mountains, I walked over to the Cliff to watch the morning waves. They're calm, splashing against the rocks. I do it frequently, as it gives me a sense of peace when I need it.

Especially now that I'm a Silver.

💧 Earth Zone 💧

"Good morning, Quake!"

"Good morning, Pacifia! How are you today?"

"I'm great! Thanks!"

"What do you want to do today?"

"Maybe after school we could walk by the edges?"

"Sounds great! See you there!"

💧 Skills Class 💧

This year, Skills Class was taught by none other then Professor Water.

She's amazing. Last year, we had so much fun with all the activities she had planned out for us for the year.

"Today, class, we will be learning about a new Skill that Bronzes cannot learn: Blast Force. Blast Force will exert power from you and blast it forward towards whatever you're aiming for. Who would like to try it?

"Alright, come up here then." An Earth Elemental walked up to the front of the Silvers. "Now, point towards an object, imagine a lot of power bunching up into one power orb, and blast it into that object." With perfect accuracy, the sudent shot Earth power at a flower, who became incased in an aura and fell into the ground. "Very good!" The student smiled and went back to his seat.

💧 Cliff 💧

"Hey, Quake. That was quick."

"Well, I'm excited for the new year. How about you?"


"Good luck out there."

"Heh. You too."

💧 Garden 💧

"Hey Angel. Hey Zap."

"Hello, Pacifia. How goes it?" Zap asked.

"Nothing really. You?"

"We're good, thanks," Angel replied.

"I don't want to assume, but are you together?"



"What?" Zap looked at Angel, who just smiled back.

"Ooh," I said. "Well, see you two later."

"Hold on, we're not—"

"Uh huh, sure!" I walked away, happily lost in my thoughts.

Elemental Academy: Rushing Waves (Silver Year)Where stories live. Discover now