chapter 33~ my heart

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How can i forget everything about Katrina?

Even if she did betray me, i still couldn't do it. I want her back. If i am going to lose my memories of her, then what's the point of getting better?

I want to remember every single memories that we had together. Espeacialy the last memories of her here. Her sweet lips, her pretty face, the softness of her body and her voice. I rather die than losing those memories. Sekurang2 nya kalau saya nda dapat bersama Katrina lagi, memories saya bersama dia tetap ada. So whats the point of living if i don't remember her?

"No! I need to get even with her!!"saya bilang sama Dr William. Ego yang tinggi membuatkan saya nda mau mengaku apa yang terbuku di dalam hati saya. Dr William mengeluh. Suasana sekeliling menjadi sunyi seketika. Hanya kedengaran nafas saya dan nafas Dr William.

"Besides the surgery, the only way to relieve the pain is acupuntcure and painkillers.. I'll do for u the acupuntcure 3 days in a row.. It will relieve the pain for quite sometime.. Then u will have to do it every once a week to make sure it doesn't come back on the wrong timing.. But.. The sooner the surgery, the better u will feel.. Once u're ready, just inform me.. Then i will arangge for u the operation.."Dr William bilang perlahan sambil cabut semua tu jarum dari kepala saya satu persatu. Suasana jadi senyap balik bila saya ambil keputusan untuk berdiam diri dari membalas percakapan Dr William. Dia kemas2 barang dia dan masukkan kedalam beg dia.

"hurmmm... Aaron.. Do u know why she ran away?"Dr William tanya saya tiba2. Masa ne saya rasa macam mau ja tampar kepala dia sampai berpusing biar dia tau soalan dia menyakitkan hati saya. Dia apa tau? Dari dulu sampai sekarang masih bujang. Entah2 masih teruna. Saya tatap muka Dr William tajam. Dia pandang ja saya biasa. Kebiasaan ba dia ne nda takut sama saya. Saya mengeluh dan jawab juga dia sebab malas mau bergaduh sama orang yang banyak bantu saya.

"Why?"saya tanya lemah. Of course i want to know why on earth did Katrina run away. Its obvious that i was so kind to her and i expressed mu love to her too. Is my love is such a crime to except?😢

"Aaron, let me tell u a story.. When i was young, i love birds very much.. One day a very beautiful bird enters my house by mistake and i caught it.. At that moment, i was ecstatic! I brought the most expensive cage and i prepare the most expensive food and i even took care for it. Because it was such a beatiful bird and i loved it so much, it will be the first thing i see when i get back from school. But the little bird seems unhappy and it refused to eat.. I was afraid it would starve to death so i started to feed it by opening its mouth. But i accidently injured its wing.. After that, it still refused to eat or drink.. I took great care of it but soon it still died.."Dr William bilang panjang lebar. Dia berhenti dan hirup air yang di cawan kopi dia. Saya dingar ja dengan kushyuk.

"After the bird died, i as very sad. I as sad for a very long time and i never wanted a pet bird again.. A year later, we have a nest of birds in a tree in front of our house. Those birds always stop on the windowsill to rest.. By then i have lost interest in keeping a bird as my pet.. But when i remember the bird that died, i threw biscuits or bread on to the balcony for them.. But over time, those birds hold affection towards me.. When i sit on my desk, they will come and sit on my shoulder and watch me writing my homework.. So, Aaron.. Do u think Katrina is a bird u keep in a cage?"Dr William cerita lagi panjang lebar sehingga ke hujung cerita dia tanya soalan sagu hati sama saya. Saya terdiam. Saya cuba mau connect semua yang dia kasi cerita sama saya dengan apa yang saya buat sama Katrina. Dr William tarik nafas panjang dan sambung lagi.

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