Chapter 23: A Fight with old Friends.

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~Unknown Time & Place, With The Group~

(A/N: Another short chapter, but it'll make sense at the end of this chapter and the next chapter.)

Cole, Kallie, Rose, Violet, Silvia, Scarlet, Nancy, Drew, Alex, Sam, Rachael, Jackson, Aura, and Avador were all in Cole's office, trying desperately to find a way, any way, to find Josh.

Cole: Maybe he's at the park?

Sam: Nah.

Rose: How about Cole's old mansion?

Cole: If I remember correctly, Josh saw Kallie die there and thought I had died. So I doubt he would go there.

Drew: What about a wrestling arena? He did seem more aggressive than he was before.

Alex: That's a possibility.

Violet: Wait a second, guys. Do you remember that fight we all had with that Ruby girl, five years ago?

Rose: I remember that bitch.

Nancy: For what she did to Josh, I'm glad we still have her as a prisoner, just so she can suffer.

Violet: Not Ruby specifically, Josh summoned a portal, I think, remember?

Jackson: Umm, I wasn't there.

Sam: Same here.

Rachael: Me neither.

Avador: Me, Sam, Rachael, Jackson, Scarlet, Silvia, and Cole weren't there.

Violet: Right, but Josh summoned this portal thing, maybe a teleportation portal? I think either Ruby or the robot threw this dumpster at Josh, but instead of dodging, he summoned a large portal and the dumpster disappeared. Maybe he used the same portal to disappear?

Cole: Hmm...well that would explain why nobody can find him, and from the lack of "Breaking News: Another gang fight has killed innocent civilians!", I assume no other gang can find him either.

Avador: Well, is there any way we can?

Sam: Aren't you one of his companions?

Avador: Yeah, so?

Sam: So, can you track him? I mean, he is your human after all.

Avador: No, not even me, Scarlet, Silvia, or Aura can track him. He's just...gone, like he isn't on Earth or something.

Silvia: Well that's stupid, he has to be on Earth somewhere.

Nancy: Keyword, "somewhere". By now, if he is using his full speed, he could literally be on the opposite side of the world by now...well maybe not THAT fast, but you get my point.

Just then, Tyrone walked through the door with a normal expression on his face.

Tyrone: Demon Lord, I think I know where Josh could be.

Cole: Well, where is he?

Tyrone: I think he is at the Royal Bank, it got robbed just today.

Scarlet: Well that could just be a coincidence.

Tyrone: The two-ton steel vault was ripped off the wall, normal steel doors were punched down with a fist-shaped crater, cameras were all hacked and shut down at the same time, and nobody saw the person who did it, as if they were as fast as light.

Kallie: That's definitely Josh, let's go.

Before she could leave the door, Cole stepped in her way.

Cole: Kallie, listen to me. We all know Josh won't listen to us this time because we all know Josh. So, I hate to say this, but...we have to figure out a way to restrain him, just long enough to talk to him.

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