Chapter 12: A Hidden Evil Within.

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Rose, Violet, Silvia, Kallie, and Tyrone were all in Josh's room in the cave. He was lying in his massive bed, which was massive to him because he looked way smaller compared to normal alpha monsters. All of them were deeply worried about him. None of them wanted to leave him. They all wanted to stay by his side until he was better, especially the girls.

Kallie was sitting next to Josh's side on the bed, stroking his hair. Tyrone was leaning on the door with his arms crossed while looking down. Rose was sitting in a chair next to the bed and was holding Josh's right hand. Violet was leaning in a corner, looking at Josh. Silvia was lying in Josh's lap like a cat curled up in a circle, even though he was lying down on his back.

Striker and Tyrone had carried Josh to his room in the cave. Striker was struggling to handle the pack without Josh there to lead, considering the size of the pack grew a lot and how most of the monsters in the pack could kill him in an instant. Kallie had noticed that Rose, Violet, and Silvia didn't look as worried as her and Tyrone, which gave her the hint that this has happened before. They were all silent, until Kallie spoke up. Her voice was low but everybody could still hear her, and her voice was filled with worry.

Kallie: Has this happened before?

Rose: You mean Josh being in this state?

Tyrone: What else could she mean?

Rose immediately answered him with a remark.

Rose: I don't know, maybe she meant, "Has this happened before?", for has Josh been in a monster forest before? Or maybe it could be the fact that we just saw Josh turn into a super monster? OR, it could be that Josh killed all those monsters like they were nothing?! OR, it could be that Josh LITERALLY ripped out a monster's HEART!!!!! OR it could be that Josh LITERALLY CREATED A NEW BREED OF MONSTERS!!!!!

Tyrone immediately backed off with his hands in a surrendering gesture. He knew not to make a girl mad, or else it wouldn't end well for anybody.

Kallie: Has Josh passed out like this before?


Violet: ROSE!!!!! You need to calm down, please. Josh wouldn't want us to fight, plus your yelling is probably hurting Josh's ears.

Rose realized she was right, so she took deep breaths until she was calm again.

Rose: I'm sorry, I just...I don't want this...

She gestured to the unconscious Josh, who just laid there, still as the night is silent. be his life. I already forced him to sleep through a whole year of his life, and every time he loses control, he passes out for who knows how long. I just...don't want this to be Josh's life. The only reason he loses control of his powers is because of us.

Violet: That's not true.

Rose: Yes it is Violet, just think about it. In the challenge with the ice monster-

Silvia: Ice Blaster.

Rose: Thank you, anyway. The Ice Blaster threatened to kill us, then Josh lost control. The red guy from the other cave threatened us, then Josh lost control. Then that time when you were with Josh in the streets, the story you told me, that the leader of some gang threatened to hurt you and then Josh lost control, again. Plus he kills every time he loses control.

Kallie: I've heard enough.

They all looked to Kallie, who had an unreadable expression on her face.

Kallie: We are taking Josh to our home when he wakes up.

Rose: Oh, that reminds me. Who are you and why do I feel like I know you?

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