'So.. So you know about that... I..' Mr. Yadav stammered

'Yes...! I know that cancer was not the reason my mother killed herself, Prateek and Priyanka Singhal were...!' Sameer spat and then took a deep breath to control his rage

'Baba... I...' Mr. Yadav was about to say, but Sameer cut him off..

'I am here to collect my certificates and some stuff that belonged to my mother... I'll leave after that....' Sameer declared and turned around to walk inside the house

As he entered the servants were shocked to see him, he did not smile at anyone, like he normally does, and went straight towards his room

'Sir, Shall I inform your mother about your arrival...? She went to her kitty... She'll be here ASAP...' One of the maid asked and Sameer turned to glare at her

'If you do that... You'll be fired immediately...' he threatened her angrily and she gulped

This means no one is at home... Good...! Sameer thought...

But then something struck him and he looked around

'Where is Yash...?' he asked the maid, who was wiping the sweat from her forehead

'No Idea Sir, he has not come home from last 15 days...' She informed

For some reason Sameer became restless hearing this, if not here, where is he...?

And most importantly what is he up to...?

'Any Idea, where he is...?' Sameer asked further

'Yash Baba was in the Bangalore last month, now Sahab doesn't know where he is...' Mr. Yadav answered on the maid's behalf and gestured her to go from there..

'Can you find out where is he...?' Sameer asks Mr. Yadav

'No Baba, how can I find him...?' Mr. Yadav asks intrigued

Sameer thinks for a while and then looks at Mr. Yadav

'Ask Mr. Sinha, our accountant to send me Yash's bank account transactions, from last 15 days right now, within 15 minutes...' he orders him and Mr. Yadav nods and goes away to make the call

Sameer enters the room and starts searching for his certificates, when his eyes land on the photo frame on the side table of his bed

He keeps the folder he just found on the table and walks towards the frame, it was his baby photo with his mother when he was 6, and this was his last photo with her..

As he picks up the frame, tears form in his eyes, he caresses the photograph and tears roll down his eyes

'They lied to me Maa... They lied to me about why you went away...!' he cried and then held the frame close to his chest

'I am so sorry Maa.... I wish I could've done something to save you... To stop you from doing that... How could you Maa.. How could you leave me among these monsters...! Didn't you think about me once...?' he sobs and sits on his bed

Someone gently keeps his hands on his shoulders, and consoles him, which makes him sob even more...

The person hugs him and Sameer cries on their arms...

'She loved you Baba... And she did that to provide you a secure future... She did everything in her might to secure your well being and then took that horrible step... Don't ever think bad for her... She was a noble lady...'Mr. Yadav said and Sameer continued to cry..

'Why did they lie to me Chacha...? Why did they do that to her...? How do they live...!' Sameer cried and Mr. Yadav hugged him tightly..

'Don't think like this Baba... They are your parents, they will never think evil against you... They love you...' Mr. Yadav said and Sameer left him

I Will Never Be YoursWhere stories live. Discover now