The Fall of Project Freelancer

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        The President of the Untied States of America came on stage. and stood in front of the mic. He began his speech. "As you all know, there is a group of freelance agents running around. They call themselves Project Freelancer. Recently, a battle in the war they are fighting caused the destruction of half of New York. They caused millions of innocent people to die, and that is unacceptable. I am here today to say that they will be dealt with. By the power invested in me, I declare Project Freelancer as a terrorist group and declare them an enemy of the United States of America. Ready the cannon to shoot down the Mother of Invention." The cannon is readied. "Fire." They fire the cannon. 

        Everyone aboard the Mother of Invention has no clue what the president has done. They fell the blast hit. "Sir, the engine room is out. What do we do?" The Director replies, "Steer towards command. Let them kill two birds in one stone." They steer the ship towards command. Agent Ohio comes onto the bridge. The Directors instructs him. "It is up to you to rebuild Project Freelancer after today. They will come to command. You must go and get the main AI fragments and take them with you. We will all survive the crash. But no one person can hide forever. Also, it is imperative that you find the Alpha AI." He gets on the comm. "When we crash, we will all survive. You must run by yourself. Hide as best you can, and try to find your way to Agent Ohio. Director ,out." "Brace for impact." The Mother of Invention crashes into command, wiping out half of it. The people that were in the way were killed instantly, while other were killed or hurt by debris. Agent Ohio immediately ran to the holding room for with AI. He grabbed the AI he was told to get: Delta, Epsilon, Gamma, Omega, Sigma, Theta, Eta, and Iota. He took off running, and got outside of the ruined command. He sees that the U.S Military is already there and taking freelancers in. He sees a soldier holding Agent Connecticut at gunpoint. He shoots the soldier and orders Connecticut to run. He runs into a cave that leads to the edge of the freelancer command. He keeps running for a few minutes, then resides to walking. 

        After walking for about a half hour, he sees the cave exit. He looks outside to see that a perimeter is being setup. He says to himself, "Great, I'm stuck here. Only way out is at night. Unless..." He walks over to a rock and moves it out of the way. sitting there is a black Corvette Stingray. Ohio gets in and starts it up. He revs  engine and accelerates. He comes out of the cave at full speed catching air and getting over the fence that was there. He lands smoothly and keeps driving at full speed across the desert. He sees the city on the horizon, and keeps driving. He gets to the city and parks the car under in the garage of an abandoned house. He gets out and goes to the basement where his tuff is hidden, and takes out a wrist device. He takes all of the AI chips and places them in it, then puts it on. It turns on, and Delta appears. "Is this safe?" Ohio replies, "Yes, Delta, it's safe. The United States government wouldn't think of looking in this small town." He goes upstairs and turn on the T.V. He sees that most of the freelancer were captured. The only ones that didn't get caught were: Carolina, Connecticut, Washington, York, Wyoming, and the Dakotas. He said to himself. "Tex obviously didn't get captured, but she removed herself from the system. But, where Maine." He looks back at the TV screen. He sees that Florida was killed. Utah and Georgia were shot, but are being treated. The president comes on screen. "When we have captured all of the freelancer, they will all be killed on live tv. The only reason for this is so that people know to not mess with the US." Ohio turns off the T.V and lies down on the couch. "I'll sleep it off." He falls asleep instantly.

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