"The more I cried the more he hurt me and the more he hurt me the happier he got. The worst part was being alone and not knowing what was going to happen next. Are you satisfied now?"

"Ava, I..."

He gets cut off as we heard this commotion and I ran out of the room to see what it was and Klaus follows behind.

"Damon! Are you crazy?" I heard Stefan shout.

Me and the rest of the Mikaelsons come see what had happened. I see Kol on the ground dead with his neck snap.

"Maybe a little. Far be it from me to cause a problem." Damon says and turns his back as walks away and I followed.

"Damon!" I shout but he doesn't listen. Damon speeds away and I followed him. "Damon! What was that?!" I shouted and he turns around angrily.

"You know what Ava? I'm going to tell you this because I know Stefan won't. You are either a Salvatore or a Mikaelson. You can't be both. But you already made your choice, didn't you?"

He walks away leaving me speechless. He was talking about how I kissed Klaus earlier. I turned around and see Stefan standing there.


"It's fine. I'm fine. Okay?" I said and walked away from him.


I went back to the boarding house to get something that the compelled humans forgot to get. No one was home when I got there.

I walked into my room and so much of my things are here like I never left. I walked over to the side of my furniture and bend down. I unscrew the air vent and took a small box out and screw the vent back in.

I quickly grabbed the box and rushed downstairs. I'm in the kitchen when I hear noises. I looked out to see Rebekah and Damon and they're making out. My eyes widen in shocked and I quickly vamp-speed away making sure that they didn't hear me.


I came back to the mansion and I walked into Klaus's room.


"You need to know the rest of the story." I said as I walk over to him with the box in my hands.

"I don't want..." He says and I cut him off.

"You have to know."  I said as I handed him the box.

"What is this?" He asks and then opens the box.

It has jewelry in it. I remove the tray of jewelry and there is a drawing in it. He looks at the drawing then at me and back at the drawing. He takes the drawing out as he sits on the bed and I sat next to him.

"December 1859. Ava. From Sadie." Klaus says as he reads the note under the drawing, "This is you and you're..."


He looks at me surprised, "What?"

"I was pregnant when I was human. I got pregnant by Dominic." I said and I'm nervous about how he would react.

"Dominic? As in your first love? As in your first real relationship? As in..."

I cut him off.

The Salvatore Sister • Ava Rose SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now