Ch 19 [Part 2]- Humanoid (Humanoid)

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Zwischen die Welten/ Bin ich gefangen/ Koordinaten unbekannt/ Halt mich, sonst fall ich/ Halt mich/ Ich will mein Herz nicht/ Ich will den Schmerz nicht/ Ich will meine Kopft nicht/ Will den Scheiss nicht/ Will den Dreck nicht/ Will nicht


Take me all the way/ Release the pain/ I've thrown myself in too many worlds/ Foolish, and I know, loneliness hurts/ Hold me (I'm drowning)/ Hold me/ I'm done with senses/ I'm done with reasons/ I'm done with questions/ I'm done with hearing/ I'm done with feeling- Tokio Hotel- Humanoid

Ch 19 [Part 2]

"Look, Sephora," the irritated doctor interrupted the silence once again, "visiting hours are over and this man is not leaving. He refuses."

I kept my back turned to the door. In the cramped chair, plastic and dull cream white in color, I withheld my anger. This became an agitating hourly routine since the mid hours of the morning.

"Please can you go talk with him. He needs to leave."

A sigh left my lips. "If that's what it'll take." Yet, that was the last thing I wanted to do--go connect myself with the world, full of people who didn't even care, who don't know the pain that lingered in the depths of my shallow beating heart.

Footsteps proceeded from the thin door, only to be followed by a second pair on the way back to the entrance.

An unfamiliar voice greeting my ears, I shifted to a standing position. As I pivoted around a face came into view. Taking a step forward, I observed the person standing in front of me for a few seconds. "Um, excuse me, but may I ask, who are you?"

"You should've protected her. You were supposed to keep her safe. You're just like them. Selfish. Self centered. Everything has to be about you, doesn't it?! Doesn't it!" His voice rose with every word, piercing my ears.

My eyes squeezed shut in horror.

"Admit it you are just like them!" he yelled, but I couldn't help but notice a catching manner to his voice. Deep in anger, I could hear a slick German accent. His voice kept coming. Bullets wounding my fragile heart. And I didn't have the words to stop him.

"You heartless bitch. I knew there was a reason I left. But I had faith in you and all you do is go throw yourself in a world where people fawn all over you."

Tears slid down my face, silently. I didn't know him, but I couldn't help it. Opening my mouth to speak I couldn't. So I helplessly turned around to face my mother, still not moving.

"You don't turn away from you father, girl. Turn around and look me in the eyes." The voice coming from his thin lips stayed harsh. No love, no concern, get demanding respect from a girl who didn't even know him.

His hand yanked my shoulder around. "Why should I give you f***ing respect. With h*ll to respect. You lost that the day you left for some other place when I was two."

Both his hands lie on my shoulder as a scream ripped from me. "Get off of me!" I hollered. "I don't give a damn that your my father. Get the h*ll off of me."

Between all the yelling, I heard the door knob rattle as someone tried to enter. "You bastard." I wrenched myself away from his hardening grasp. I ran toward the door. Unlatching the hook, three bodies ran into mine.

Bill's arms encompassed me. A finger slid under my eye to wipe away the still falling tears. His eyes never left mine as he pulled me into a protective hug. I felt his gaze shift upward. "Jörg," he growled menacingly as if the word left a bitter taste in his mouth. "What have you done to Sephora?"

His response was silent. "What did you do to her?" Bill asked again, louder angrier. I flinched back although Bill's hold stayed rough around me. "What the h*ll-"

"Be quiet," I whispered almost inaudibly, "just be quiet."

The heavy silence lingered. Death crept in the corners with the daylight fading into the distance.

"She's just as I remembered her," Jörg broke the spell in a calm voice. "Peaceful, so peaceful."

"Don't touch her," I snarled as his hand reached over the bed railing. "Don't even think about it.

She doesn't care about you anymore," I spat. "I don't even know how you found me, but just leave. Now."

"Let me explain."

"That's what they all say. 'I'm sorry'," I quoted with my fingers in the air. "You had you time to explain. You did and its pretty clear that neither you nor me want to be in each others lives."


"Leave. I don't give a f*** what your explanation is. You had one chance and decided to blow me off."


"Leave Jörg," Tom said, "she wants you gone."

With final words, he receded to the door. And with a click I knew I could let myself go and wash away the the new flow of tears.


Obviously not a long chapter. I found a bit of free time in my schedule to write. So I hope you enjoyed. At the moment it is not to late, so maybe I can write another chapter before bed. I mean I really do need to catch up on sleep. But I feel bad for not uploading since the Twin's birthday.

I'm sorry to say this book won't be done for the Watty Awards :( I truly did want to finish it, but time isn't on my side at the moment. I have been trying. It's just, I can't control fate. So with that said. I don't think there are any translations in this chapter.

Until next time-


Reconnected (Tokio Hotel FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora