Ch 25- Reden (Talking)

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Vor der Tür Alarm, die ganze Welt ruft an/ Alle zerren an mir, Ich will mit keinder ausser Dir/ Reden/ Reden/ Wir wollten nur reden/ Und jetzt liegst du hier/ Und ich lieg daneben

(English Translation)

Somewhere an alarm calls out to all the world/ The people pull at me but I want only you/ Talking/ Talking/ We want to be talking/ But now you're lying here/ I'm lying right beside you- Tokio Hotel- Reden

Ch 25

February 22, 2011

The irritable pounding in my head only intensified as my eyes opened to the intense light of the morning sun. I squinted in distress feeling my stomach churn. Heat of the overhead star, rising in the sky, made me shiver in my own skin as I lie in a pool of cold sweat.

A groan escaped me as I turned away from the window. "Morning beautiful," he murmured. Leaning forward, his mouth traced my jaw bone with endearment kisses to land on my swollen lips, lightly, tenderly. The motions sweetness sank to my core as my soft moan rubbed against his lips. My hand lifted beneath the covers to mangle in the burnt ends of his hair, deepening the pressure. His hands explored my body underneath the sheets. Instead of shooting pulsing pleasure, pain erupted across the skin touched by his caressing fingers.

I pulled away.

"Luke, what happened last night?" But I was well aware without an answer. His eyes reflected my brokenness. "We can't relive high school."

"I know our relationship wasn't perfect, but we can try to rebuild it." The velvet voice was my drug. It captured me, pulled me beneath a surface I could never find. Though, I shook my head. Pain intensified. I winced causing another wave of pain to devour my head and rattle my figure.

"Get me aspirin. And we can talk when we both have clear heads."

"I'm fine. You, on the other hand, had way to much to drink last night. So-"

"Get me the freaking aspirin before I regret my next move."

"Sephora, you already regret so many things in your life. I'm sure one more wouldn't push you over the edge."

I allowed my body to collapse onto the bed. Weight shifted, sunk, and the bed became lighter as he left the room not minding that the bedroom door stayed open and left the room with only a pair of boxers on.

Minimal strength was left within my body as I rolled out of the bed. My shoes were scattered by the door. The pervious night's dress was in a fallen pile next to the ledge of the bed. The silk panties were thrown near the end of the bed, and I forgot I hadn't worn a bra with the outfit. Gathering the belongs, I began to pull the dress over my head, which was difficult as my vision blurred in and out of focus.

"Just grab one of my shirts." A voice broke my concentration. He took the hem of my dress, removing it from my head as I still tried to shuffle into it. "Sephora, it's not as if you haven't worn one of my shirts before." Confusion must have plainly been written across my face. "It's in the second drawer." I didn't move a muscle. I stood still in the middle of the floor, naked. "I promise," he breathed, "I won't do anything."

"I haven't heard that one before," I muttered.

He set the glass of water on the side table with a few pills. Striding to the dresser, he pulled out a black tee-shirt to throw on himself. And he pulled out another tossing it to me as I swallowed the pills. Washing them back with the cool water, it revived my throat from dryness the alcohol layered. "Thanks," I mumbled keeping my gaze downward.

I bent to pick it up the fallen shirt that landed next to my feet. Slipping it on, the material fell passed my knees and hung off my arms, but anything was better than nothing. A mundane scent caught in my nostrils. The clean musky essence consumed me in a memory together.

Sand shifted beneath my bare feet as we walked. Some dry, some wet, the lake tide moved in gradually. Cold water slipped over our feet drenching us with even colder air as the liquid disappeared. Despite the summer temperatures I wish I brought along a jacket as the wind drifted against my legs and arms from only wearing a summer dress.

He didn't speak of the chill in the exchange of small talk, but removed his jacket to drape around my shoulders. With silence lingering, neither of us minded as the walk continued onward only to be stopped near a cliff blocking of a small portion of the beach.

"Just over this boulder is our destination," Luke announced, "unless you would like to stay on this side."

"I'm ok with climbing," I assured allowing him to lead the way. Our trip over only took a few minutes to finish and the view on the other side was nothing but breath taking.

As a first date the layout of candles and a picnic on the beach to anyone would've been cliché. Yet the atmosphere held a feeling of comfort without being forced or overdone. Pedals of irises scattered the sand to create a pathway to the blanket. Bending over, I gathered a handful, indulging in the scent of my favorite flower.

I placed a kiss delicately upon his lips with a warming smile forming on mine. "Thank you."

Pulling myself away from the tangible images flooding the gates, which had finally fallen away, reality slapped me in the face. Time had changed both of us. The faster we came to terms with each other maybe I would except him back in my life. Maybe we could start building a new relationship. A different kind than the romantic life we constructed before.

His voice broke my thoughts, "You're not ok."

"I'm just thinking, that's all."

"Thinking isn't good. Just forget everything."

With the exact same words Elle had spoken the night before, new thoughts broke a barrier. I tried to uphold the barricade; however much to my disliking, the wall in my mind began cracking, disintegrating, falling.

"How would you react if I asked you to be friends with benefits?" I asked willing to engage in any activity to distract thoughts consuming me head in places I'd rather not be.

A silhouette of a smile formed across his thinning lips. "I can work with that."


I know... It's not that long... :( I'm sorry but it's something. I did only post yesterday. So be happy!

Again this is not something I have personally experienced or had any secondhand experience with. Meaning, this was all from my imagination too. Believe it or not I've never had a boyfriend or even been on a date. So I'd love feed back on anything within the chapter.

There are I think 2 or 3 chapters left before an epilogue (or at least that's how I had it planned out). Although that may change. Who knows.

I seriously cannot believe that I'm almost done. I've never in my craziest dreams actually think I could finish writing a book. I mean of course a lot of the work isn't my best. But I've heard the hardest part of publishing a book is writing the first draft of a book. Everything else is a piece of cake. :)

So with that. I'm off to bed.

Another update will be posted soon. In the mean time, what did you think?

Until next time


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