49-You're being stupid

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong with him?" Caleb mumbles as I hand him a tray of hash browns

"I have no clue, I'll talk to him later" I just shrug before walking over to the girls

"Is this normal?" Lexi asks as she watches everyone

"What? All the people?" I turn to her with a grin

"Yeah I've never seen so many people in one area just for a meal" she looks in amazement

"Eh yeah" Em, Amy And I all say at the same time "Typically there isn't as many people. Usually there's only like fifteen to twenty people but because we had a party, all the families stayed" I explain further

"Wow" She grins "At my house it's usually only my brother, sister and I"

"Even for holidays?"

"Well yeah, my parents are both only children so no cousins, and my grandparents on both sides are dead so it's really just us three" she shrugs simply

"Kids! Food!"

"I heard food!" Arrex yells as he comes literally tumbling down the stairs

We all take our seats-around the giant table. Obviously the adults at one end, then kids oldest to youngest.

The adults were talking amongst themselves and so were the little ones, but we remained quiet. None of us in the mood to talk due to last night.

We pass around all the trays of food. Each one of us loading our plates with the best breakfast food in town.

"Can I have the bacon?" Beck asks quietly

I just nod and pass the full tray but somehow, instead of going straight into becks hands, he fumbles with it and the back falls onto his lap and the floor. Within seconds tiny has every piece the reached the floor cleaned up as Beck started grabbing the pieces off his lap.

"I am so sorry" I look at my brother wide eyed scared for his reaction. He already seemed pissed at me this morning and this definitely wouldn't help.

Instead of getting pissed off at me though, he starts to laugh. The loudest uncontrollable belly laugh.

It's hard not to join in, as within seconds the rest of us are all laughing hysterically. After a few minutes though we eventually calm down with tears in our eyes as the adults look at us like we're insane.

"We needed that" Jordan says, wiping his eyes

"We really did" Wes agreed, taking a piece of bacon from Becks plate

"Dude that was like the one piece that tiny didn't get"

"Bacon is bacon" is all Wes says before popping the whole piece in his mouth

After everyone helped clean up, everyone started to gradually filter out. Eventually the only ones left were my parents, Jordan, Emma, Lance and my brothers, excluding Zach.

"God this weekends been an event" I sigh as I sit next to Em on my bed. Beck and Jordan were sprawled out on my beanbags.

"Fuck it has" Beck mumbles. His eyes were closed "How have you been?"

Jordan and Em just sat there quietly, waiting for my response.

"I honestly don't know. The whole thing with mom fucked me up. I couldn't stop crying last night but I guess I'm okay now" I say quietly "What about you?"

"The shit she said to you pissed me the fuck off" he sneers, not at anyone in particular "I think I'm okay now too though."

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