*Chapter Twenty-Seven: Repost*

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Some people couldn't view this chapter, so I'm reposting!

Chapter Twenty-Seven: That is the Death of Him.

 "Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold, but you will remember me." - Fall Out Boy: Centuries.


  White and purple lights flash in the lifeless ship. The alarm has been silenced but the lights still blink. I propel myself quietly but quickly to the third hallway before the stairs to the cockpit. I hide myself around the corner.

  "I'm in position," I whisper to Tony who should be exactly where I am but in the second hallway.

  "Roger that," He responds, "Barton, what's your status?"

  "I'm in position too," Hawkeye replies. He is situated in the first hallway closest to the cockpit, "He'll be here any minute now."

  I peek around the corner. I hear thunderous footsteps come closer and closer. I whip my head back out of sight when I press my back against the wall. I bite my tongue to keep myself from hissing in pain. The pain medication the doctor gave me a few hours ago is wearing off. The dull ache present in my whipped back intensified when it was pushed up against. I'm glad Tony did not notice the wounds on my back when he first found me in the interrogation room.

  The floor begins to rhythmically shake, lights flickering with each of his monstrous steps. Black Dwarf lets out a roar as if he was a vicious wild animal. Judging by how loud his battle cry was, he is very close now. The lights in the ceiling above me now begin to shutter. I can sense that he is now just a few steps away from me. I take a deep breath and close my eyes before silently counting down.




  I rocket myself up and out into the hallway with a metal fist drawn back. Black Dwarf does not have an opportunity to react before I land the punch down onto his left cheek sending him falling sideways. He smashes into the wall, cutting right through the metal as if it was jello. Black Dwarf destroys a panel of controls and a few computer screens on the other side of the room he has busted into. His ax sliced clean through the machinery next to where he has landed. Black Dwarf grunts as he rises to his feet. He raises his ax and looks directly at me.

  "Oh crap," I mutter just before the stick of his ax strikes me. I create a new hole in the same wall just a foot away from Black Dwarf's as I'm sent flying back out into the hallway. I fire up my repulsors to counteract my momentum. It takes me only a second to balance myself, but it also takes only a second for Black Dwarf to be upon me again. I throw up my arms in a block to protect myself from his punch. My suit strains not to give in to the pressure of his hit. Luckily, I don't have to hold my stance for too long. Tony is right on top of Black Dwarf, blasting him with his repulsors.

  Even though our repulsors do not physically injure him, they still cause Black Dwarf pain and discomfort. He thrashes blindly at Tony who has wrapped his armored legs around Black Dwarf's neck. The muon beams bore down onto Black Dwarf's head. I can't imagine what the close proximity is doing to magnify the effect of the repulsors. Black Dwarf finally gets a hold on my dad, slinging him down the hall. He turns to face me, but I am right there to kick the monster in the abdomen. He grunts, but does not fall. He picks up his ax and raises it above his head.

  "I don't believe that your suit will protect you from this," Black Dwarf ripostes.

  Before I can turn to defend myself, Tony shoots like a torpedo at Black Dwarf's feet. His legs are knocked out from underneath him. He crashes backwards to the ground with a loud thud. The ax is lost from his grasp.

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