Chapter One

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Chapter One: Graduation

"'Cause I know my weakness, know my voice. And I'll believe in grace and choice." -Mumford & Sons: Babel.


 "Even three weeks after this disaster, people are still questioning who is this new addition to the Avengers team," The anchorman speaks with affirmation into the camera, "With the sudden appearance of Tony Stark's child, the two have been connected but nothing has been confirmed."

 "You know I'm still surprised by Tony's daughter," The anchorwoman chimes in with a light-hearted laugh, "And let alone with Stark Industries' CEO, Miss Pepper Potts. They haven't been dating but for a few years but they have a seventeen-year-old daughter! And not to mention she's been kept a secret for those seventeen years."

 "Yes, I'm sure there is more history behind the story that will soon be brought to light," The anchorman nods, "There have been satellite images of the mystery man flying towards the safe shelter in Berlin carrying children released to the public. We have reporters on the scene attempting to secure an interview with the family. The population of Berlin is more than thankful for the Avengers, but they are curious to know who this mystery hero. Now the only question now stands, who is this Iron Defender?"

 "Seventh news special today," Alex counts as he sits next to me on the couch.

 "You know I actually like 'Iron Defender'," I muse, "It is the best name I've heard."

 "I actually like it too," Alex agrees after pondering it over for a moment, "It has a nice ring to it."

 "Monica, are you ready?" My mom's heels click on the floor as she puts in her earrings, "It's almost nine-thirty and graduation starts in an hour."

 "I've been ready for the last hour," I retort back to her with my mouth agape, "You took longer to get ready for my graduation than I did!"

 "Well, if you would have done something more to your hair than just straighten it!" My mom waves to me with exasperation.

 "I am never curling my hair again!" I groan as I look at Alex, who chuckles.

 "Are we ready?" Tony walks in the room adorned in a suit, "The car is waiting downstairs."

 "Really? I didn't think you would trust anyone else to pull up the car."

 "Well, you gave Happy the week off."

 "He wanted to take a vacation!"

 "So, let's go," Tony claps his hands together to my mother's annoyance, "Monica, do you need a hand up?"

 "No, I got it," I say as I stand up from the couch.

 "Are you sure you don't want your cane or crutches?" My mom asks with worry in her tone.

 "I can do it," I reassure her for what seems to be the hundredth time this week.

 "We can bring it and keep it in the car if you change your mind," She raises her eyebrows.

 "Mom, I'm sure," I smile as I grow weary of her pushing the subject.

 "Come on, Mom, believe in your child," Tony mocks as we step in the elevator.

 We shoot down the Stark Tower to the garage. True to Tony's words, there is a sleek black Audi waiting by the curb. Tony takes the driver's seat with my mom next to him; Alex and I sit in the back. We begin the short drive through town to the Occidental College campus.

 I am graduating college today with my associate's degree in mechanical engineering. I was originally planning on getting my bachelor's degree; however, with my recent induction into the S.H.I.E.L.D. agency I believe that it is almost pointless to continue my college education any further. I have a sustainable job now. Plus, now that I am an official agent I will not have the time to take anymore college classes. My life now centers around my role with my family and with S.H.I.E.L.D. and I need to focus on such. I will take my associate's degree and be just fine.

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