Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve: Ghost Stories

"If these sheets were the states, and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me." All Time Low: If These Sheets Were States.


 It has been two months since anyone has last seen Alex. Two painfully long months spent worrying about my best friend. 61 days spent not knowing if Alex even had breath in him. 1464 hours fretting over the unknown future for him. I've spent every night praying to God to keep Alex safe. All I have right now is my faith in God to bring him home. Neither we or S.H.I.E.L.D. has seen anything that could point towards Alex. Alex has literally disappeared into thin air.

 He's nothing but a ghost story now.

 I continue to believe Alex will be found, but not as much as I did before. The despair and depression of each passing day slowly pulls me down.

 I have completed 90% of my Reinforcer suit, but I have not acquired the motivation to finish it. So being the complete logical genius I am, I have decided to start on my third suit, the Assassin. The Assassin is finished completely in a light-absorbing black coating, where when a light is shone on it the metal does not reflect any light particles. It is also equipped with a stealth device that makes it undetectable to any radar and metal detector. I also have covered the arc reactor so no light shines through. The eyes are also completely dark, emitting no light. The Assassin is weaponized with silent targeting missiles. Tony calls the weaponry the "Black Pumas"; you will never hear them coming until it's too late.

 "You need to finish Reinforcer," Tony throws in offhandedly as we work in the shop.

 "Eh," I shrug as I work on Assassin's programming.

 "Monica, what is your problem? This is unlike you." Tony tosses his hammer on the table. "Why can't you finish the suit?"

 "Unmotivated," I mutter in response as I tap a few things on my computer table.

 "Jarvis, is Monica lying?" Tony smiles smugly.

 "Yes, sir, her pulse is just a bit faster and her pinky toe is twitching," Jarvis replies.

 I silently mouth, "what the heck?" as Tony hums contently. I glance down at my toes as I never noticed this little hitch. I guess it is a good thing I found out; it's something I can work on. If I am ever in a hostile interrogation I now know to hold my foot against something to stop its twitching.

 "So, are you going to tell me the truth now?" Tony pesters me.

 "I'm more excited to finish Assassin," I shrug him off.

 "And why is that?"

 "Assassin is just cooler."


 "Still lying, sir."

 "Lucis, shut Jarvis up for me, please," I command him as I fiddle around with the targeting system.         

 "Hey, don't turn your system against system. No, don't think Lucis can control Jarvis," Tony gets snippety at me.

 "Well, if you could have him stop analyzing me," I scoff.

 "If you would stop lying to me," He retorts.

 "I'll get it done eventually. Why does it matter?" I huff, trying to keep my annoyance at bay.

 "It matters that there's a reason that you're not telling me," Tony leans against his own work desk.

 "Ha, you always have to know everything, don't you?" I chuckle humorlessly, "It's a wonder how you never found out about me, huh?"

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