Chapter Five

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Chapter Five: Gut Feelings Don't Lie

"The lights go out and I can't be saved. Tides that I tried to swim against, have brought me down upon my knees." -Coldplay: Clocks.


 I wake up to sunlight streaming through my window. The digital clock on my bedside stand reads that it is a quarter past nine. I stretch before getting out of my bed and blankets. I can already hear everyone up in the house; soft conversations carry on as I can hear someone cooking breakfast. I yawn as I pad out of my room adorned in only running shorts and a T-shirt. I run my fingers through my hair trying to smooth out the post-sleep tangles.

 "Good morning, Monica," My grandma calls from the kitchen where she scrambles an egg.

 "Good morning," I reply as I rub my eyes, "What are you making?"

 "Omelets," She answers as she cracks in another egg.

 "Ooh, I want mine with-"

 "I know how you like your omelets," My grandma cuts me off with a laugh, "I've made you omelets for fifteen years and they have never changed."

 "Hey, I added spinach a few years back," I defend myself, but not without chuckling. I take a seat next to my mom and Jeanna up at the counter, "Are Alex and Tony not up yet?"

 "Tony is in the shower, but I'll say Alex is still asleep," Mom answers as she looks over at Jeanna, "Or he's just in his room because he hasn't been out here."

 "Which is surprising," Jeanna interjects, "Alex isn't a heavy sleeper, so as soon as one of us is up usually he's awake too."

 "But he did wake up in the middle of the night," I inform the women.

 "He did?" Jeanna hums with surprise.

 "Yeah, I guess he heard me get up and followed me to the lab. He didn't stay too long, but he could have been up longer after he left," I shrug as my grandma slides me over a glass of orange juice

 "Well, why were you up?"

 "I couldn't sleep. I think I was still buzzing from the party," I answer lightly, smiling as I remember I am not a college graduate.

 "Ah," My mom replies as my grandma slides a few plates in front of us, "Thanks, Mom."

 "Not a problem. What will Tony like on his omelet?" She asks as she goes back to the stove.

 "Tomatoes, ham, shallots, sausage, and green peppers," My mom lists out without a moment of thought.

 Jeanna gives my mom a strange look before my mom explains how she was Tony's personal assistant for many years. I ignore their conversations as I eat my omelet. My grandpa joins us up at the counter as he too wants a plate of breakfast.

 This is a very oddly nice morning. Here I am eating breakfast with my entire family in my dad's kitchen. My mom insisted that her parents, Jeanna, and Alex spent the night since from Oakley to Los Angeles is a five hour drive. Tony was less than thrilled, but everyone else was more than esctatic.. My mother had to talk him into it, but he eventually did agree. I conclude that he approved so he could leave a better impression on our guests that he is not the typical absentee father, as well as being able to sit down and become better aquainted with those most important in my life.

 "Do I smell eggs and peppers?" Tony ambles into the room.

 "Yes, eat up," My grandma hands him a plate with a cheery grin.

 "I-I don't-" Tony stammers as he is confronted with his biggest peeve.

 "Tony..." My mom cuts him off.

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