Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: Anthony Edward Stark

"It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run, searching for meaning, but are we all lost starts trying to light up the dark?" -Maroon 5: Lost Stars


 I awaken from what feels to be the deepest sleep of my life. My head throbs and feels heavy. It takes me a minute to become alert enough to sit up. When I finally conjure the strength to lift my head from my pillow, I do not recognize my surroundings. I am in a nice bed in a small room, but it's not my bed or room. Slowly I remember everything that occurred last night. I remember escaping the aircraft and being at the hospital. The only issue is that I can't figure out where I am now. I panic as the windowless room makes me paranoid.

 I get out of bed and warily walk out of my room. I am prepared to find an escape out of this unfamiliar dwelling. My head dully aches as I shuffle into what resembles a living room. I see Tony sitting on a couch looking up at the television screen where I see Director Fury's face. I relax slightly seeing my dad in this foreign place as well.

 "Seriously? You detected no aircrafts at all?" Tony sounds frustrated.

 "That's what I said, Stark," The director replies.

 "This is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s job: to protect us from all things extraterrestrial! And you are doing a damn good job about that," Tony spits back. "So are we just supposed to hide out in here for the rest of our lives?"

 "Of course not, we're working around the clock to- good afternoon, Monica," Director Fury notices me as I come more into view.

 "Afternoon?" I question.

 "Just keep me updated," Tony grabs the remote off of the glass coffee in front of him.

 "Will do, Stark," Director Fury replies before the screen goes black.

 "Glad to see you're up," Tony addresses me.

 "Yeah." I rub the back of my head. "Where are we?"

 "The safe core; it's basically a safe house at the center of the tower."

 "How did I get here?"

 "You fell asleep on the way home from the hospital, so I just carried you in."

 "Oh..." I trail off as I try to remember my trip to the hospital last night.

 "I have to ask," Tony walks over to stand in front of me, "Who am I?"

 "Tony Stark," I raise my eyebrow thinking this is some egotistical thing of his.

 "And?" He looks intently at me.

 "My father...?" I cannot pinpoint what answer he is wanting.

 "Okay, good," Tony chuckles before sitting back down.

 "Why do you ask that? I obviously know who you are," I scoff as I sit down in the armchair.

 "Because last night you thought we were two separate people." The corner of Tony's mouth twitches upward. "You kept asking me if I had rescued your dad."

 "Oh," I face-palm due to embarrassment. I actually vaguely remember asking for my dad and Tony last night. "Did I do or say anything else stupid?"

 "No," Tony shakes his head.

 One question has begun to pester my mind. I hesitantly and timidly ask, "Did I hurt anyone I wasn't supposed to?"

 "No, Proxima was the only major person you killed. Anyone else was just minor crew workers," Tony shakes his head.

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