Information on "Chosen"

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Woo, we've reached the end of "Choices"! I cannot begin to express my gratitude for your support during this story. I love writing, but it makes it so much more fun when you guys are involved too. I couldn't ask for better readers. 

So, same thing as before: I will begin updating on the usual Sunday/Wednesday schedule once I have written the first fifteen chapters of "Chosen". I have currently written only the first chapter (eek). I lost my lead with the chapters because you guys got so many bonus updates that I wasn't expecting! That's a good thing, I'm not complaining. It won't be until November when I can begin posting "Chosen"; so about a month and a half to two months. I'm so sorry for the long wait :(

I will try to write as quickly as I possibly can. Every half of a story, I get complete writer's block. I know what I want to happen in a chapter, but when it comes to writing it I completely crash and burn. Sadly, that's where I'm at right now. I'm stuck on Chapter Two... Yikes...

Also, "Chosen" is NOT going to be the end of this series. I have a little surprise up my sleeve called the "Alternative Series". I'm not going to say anything about it until near the end of "Chosen". There is also one or two more ideas I have, which I won't share just yet (:

One last thing on the agenda, I did famous quotes at the beginning of the chapters for "Chances" and song lyrics for "Choices", do you guys enjoy that or should I not do that for "Chosen"? If you do enjoy it, what do you think I should do for the next book?

Even with the long delay, I really hope that you guys continue your support in two months! Many of you have said that you have enjoyed reading "Choices" and I can only hope that you like "Chosen" just as much! I strongly believe that I have the best readers. Again, I apologize for the long wait for the third story. Thank you for reading this too!

x SJ

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