Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Punishments

"No time to search the world around, Cause you know where I'll be found, When I come around." - Green Day: When I Come Around.


(Disclaimer: suicidal thoughts and violence)


 "You're going to lose."

 "Why do you think that?"

 "Whatever you do to me, whatever you put me through, I will not let you control me."

 "It is too bad you don't have a choice in this matter," The doctor says as he sucks a bluish liquid into the barrel of a syringe.

 "What's that?" I ask from where I'm tied down to a bed.

 "I see there's no harm in telling you now that you will just be a mindless soldier by tomorrow evening," He sighs, "It will strengthen your bones to be almost unbreakable."

 "Ha, that would have been useful four months ago," I scoff.

 "Yes, that might have saved your leg," The silver-skinned man replies uninterestedly as he walks over to me. I remain laying at an angle in only my black camisole and the skintight uniform pants. My ponytail slops unattractively down to the side, multiple strands of hair have fallen out and lay in front of my face. He tears the duct tape off of my wrist, leaving my skin red and burning. He drops the microchip into a glass container. He scribbles a label on it before storing it away. The doctor walks back over to me with the syringe in hand, "Now point in lying, this is going to hurt."

 I involuntarily resist against my restraints as the needle pierces into my arm. I bite my tongue as I try to cry out in pain as every sing bone in my body ignites in pain. After a few seconds, I can't fight it. I scream as the serum strengthens my bones. It feels as if every bone has been struck with a fiery hammer until they are nonexistent. My adrenaline kicks in in an attempt to numb the pain. I once said that being strong wasn't easy, but I didn't mean this. I didn't mean having extraterrestrial strength forcefully being injected into me.

 "You will have to be destroyed in order to be stronger," The doctor walks back over to his table. "Black Dwarf wants his soldier to be unstoppable and your human bones are very stoppable, for lack of a better term."

 Breathing comes harder for me as the agony is overwhelming. The only part of me that remains painless is my left leg. I guess all the pain that the prosthetic has caused me makes up for this moment where every other part of my body is in such discomfort. I feel my body temperature rising dramatically as sweat pours down my skin. Those few loose hairs are glued to my face with the sweat as the adhesive. It's another ten minutes of pure agony before the pain begins to subdue.

 "Now, I will tend to the laceration on your back," The doctor slaps on a pair of disposable gloves.

 I am panting as the doctor begins the second procedure. He holds a jar of a clear gel. He unbuckles me from the bed and cuffs my hands together. He orders me to sit on the bed with my back facing him. At first I'm scared to move, I don't know how my body will feel with stronger bones. Much to my relief, I don't feel any different. I try to sit up very straight because when my spine arches forward, it stretches my cut open. He raises my shirt up from the back high enough to where I can pull it over my head. The damp camisole stays on my body, but exposes the length of the cut; the back of the shirt pushes against my chest.

 I hiss in pain as the doctor begins dabbing the ointment onto my wound. The open cut stings in response to the antibiotic. He puts a piece of a type of soft fabric down the cut to act as a bandage.

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