"I missed kissing you too, but like I said you just had this big bombshell dropped on you, make sure you want to be in his life FP, it's a big responsibility."

"Alice, I know I was a player in high school but I'm not like that anymore. I want to step up and be their for my child. Just think about coming to live with me? We would have to share a bed but you don't mind that do you babe?" He smirked at her.

She gave him an eye roll in return and then leaned in to kiss him again getting lost in the moment. She wasn't sure if she was making the right choice but she had to try for her son. She already fell hard for FP years ago and knows they belong together but her son is more important to her than her happiness.

"He's reaching for you, I think he knows you're his daddy." She said with a smile.

FP picked him up and Charles looked up at him giggling.

"Hi buddy, I'm your daddy, I'm sorry I wasn't around the first 6 months but I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere okay? Your mom and I are a team no matter what happens, I love you both. I know you don't know what I'm saying but I just had to say it." He looked over at Alice who was silently crying.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He questioned.

"I'm just I don't know, I feel bad about what happened but I'm also happy but scared."

"Scared? Of what?"

"That this is too good to be true, that it won't work, ending things was so hard because I do I love you FP I'm scared we'll fail again and now we have a son involved."

"No, no no no, no more failing look at me, I'm here forever."

She just nodded and leaned in to give him a quick peck on the lips.

Just then Charles started to stir and Alice figured he needed a change and a feed again.

"Here pass him to me, he needs a change and to eat."

"Let me do it, pass me the bag."

"FP, you've never changed a diaper before, and you can't really feed him, you don't have breasts." She said laughing.

"Well I need to learn how to change diapers, and you don't have a bottle for him here?" He questioned.

"No I figured since we were coming to the river I could just breastfeed, I didn't pump any milk this morning and I try not to give him formula if I don't have to because it's expensive."

"Show me how to change a diaper mama." He said smiling.

"Hand me the bag."

He passed her the bag and he laid Charles down and tried to distract him while Alice grabbed the diaper and wipes so he wouldn't try to roll away.

"Hi buddy, this is my first diaper change so cut me some slack alright?" Charles just started laughing at his dad.

"Al he thinks I'm funny."

"You both are so sweet, so just take his pants off," FP pulled his pants down to his ankles. "Good. Now this is his diaper, he's a size 3 but he eats a lot so he should be going up to a size 4 soon, this is the back, the side with these tabs, so all you do is open the diaper like this, lift his legs up, then put the diaper underneath," he did as she said. "Good, now open the dirty one, it's just a pee, now he might pee on you so take a wipe, and cover his man bits with it like that. Then grab another wipe and wipe him. After that just pull the dirty diaper out from under him and put it to the side for now, now pull the front of the diaper up and take the wipe away, then grab the tabs on the side and fold them over the sides. Good you did it now just fix his pants and you've changed his diaper." She said smiling at him.

"Not so bad for my first try huh buddy?"

Charles smiled at his dad.

"Now just put the dirty wipes in the dirty diaper, roll it and put it in the trash. Here's some sanitizer for your hands. I'm going to feed him now if you're not comfortable I can cover up with his blanket if you want?"

"Allie, you're feeding our baby, and it isn't like I haven't seen them before." He said with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Fine but they're different, we haven't been together in over a year and..."

"Alice, you're beautiful, you grew our baby. Relax."

"I just, if we do sleep together again at some point I want you to know I look different."

"Not to me."

She didn't say anything just took Charles from him and settled him at her chest, kind of embarrassed that FP was watching her but he didn't seem to care.

When Charles was done she burped him and fixed her top.

"Now that he's done why don't we go take a walk together as a family and go have some lunch?" FP asked.

"Family?" Alice questioned.

"We're a family." He said and grabbed her hand stroking her knuckles with his thumb.

"Sounds great."

He picked up Charles and buckled him in his stroller while Alice packed the bag back up and they were on their way.



"You're a great mom."

"Thanks. I try."

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