"Kyuubi.. You are too excited, calm down." He said, with a bit of laughter.

I nodded and watched the whole thing. At last. . The two gave each other a punch and both fell.

Hayate announced that none of them won.

"Ohh... Bummer." I mumbled.

Next battle was...

Tenten VS Temari.

Lee and his team cheered for Tenten while I couldn't decide which to cheer. Because both are awesome to me.

Tenten used her scroll weaponry thingie and Temari used her fan and this fight was better than Ino versus Sakura so Imma say... TEEMARII!! Yes! I cheered for her inside my head just so my team wont think I'm a traitor that cheers for other Nations.

Temari won.

Next battle is Shikamaru vs Kin.

"HAAA YOU TORTURED SAKURA! YOUU!" I almost jumped again.

Kakashi pulled me back and placed his hand on top of my head. "Calm down." he said.

I growled and glared at Kin. "SHIKAMARU WILL KILL YOU! -" I looked at Shikamaru and glared at him too. "If you lose.. I will haunt you forever." I warned him. His eyes twitched and he went to the battle field.

They fought and fought while this Kin used her bell needle thingie to make Shikamaru lose but he used the shadows to control her and threw shuriken, he dodged it when it hit Kin on the forehead making me jump. "HAAHAA!"

And Shikamaru won.

The next battle is...

Nooo this can't be happening NOOO!

Naruto vs Kiba.

"Nooo! I can't cheer for both just NO!" I said. Looking at Kiba and giving him a sad eye.

"You should be cheering your brother ya know!" said Naruto.

I nodded in sadness. "I have to..." I whispered.

I looked at Kiba and grinned. "Good luck, Kiba!" I said.

Sakura gave me a punch on the shoulder. "NARUTO IS YOUR BROTHER! NOT TO MENTION OUR TEAM!" She yelled at me.

I rubbed the spot where she punched me. "FINE! "

Kiba and Naruto went to the battle field and both first started to argue. Naruto started about why bringing Akamaru. This got me worrying... Poor Akamaru. Bad owner you go to force you to fight.

The two started the fight. Kiba threw a smoke ball and fought and fought until he punched Naruto away. Akamaru bit him unexpectedly, that got Kiba worrying. Until it transformed into Naruto and the other Naruto transformed into an injured Akamaru where Naruto held him

Kiba threw some pill inside Akamaru's mouth which transformed him to some weird looking dog and he turned into ... Kiba. Both of them were Kibas but looked weird... Kiba started to try clawing Naruto while he dodged. Until Kiba got him and made Naruto fall on the ground.

"You get it outside your head that you will never be Hokage!" said Kiba.

I widened my eyes at Kiba's words. "That fool..." I clenched my fists. "N-Naruto! Remember, you will surpass the Hokage!" I said, wanting him to get up because of my words. "If Kiba's words affect you... I will... I will kill him for you! So get up and kill him before I do, Nii-Chan!"

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