Chapter Ten- Kryptonite

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"Dad?" Christian said loudly pulling me out of my daydream.

"My bad," I said zoning back in, "What's up?"

"I asked if you wanted to be the red or the yellow power ranger." He said cutting his eyes at me as we watched TV.

"Since the yellow one is a girl, ima go with the red one." I replied taking a handful of popcorn out of the bowl.

His eyes got big.

"Yellow one is a girl?"

I nodded, "Yep."

"How you know?"

"Cause power rangers been around for a long time, son. It first started coming on when I was little." I told him.

"Really?" He said surprisingly.

I nodded, "Really."

"Was it in black and white back then?"He asked dead ass serious.

"You got jokes." I said cutting my eyes at him.

"I'm serious. My teacher told me that back in the olden days, TV wasn't in color how it is now." He replied.

"That was a really, really long time ago that she's referring to."

"But aren't you really, really old?" He said.

"You know what..." I said before moving the bowl, "I'm sick of your disrespect."

I grabbed him and started tickling him as he screamed bloody murder.

We were playing so hard and loudly that I didn't even realize Megan had walked in.

"Well aren't you two just the cutest." She said cheesing at us.

"Mommy!" He screamed before running toward her.

She dropped the many shopping bags she had and held her arms out as he jumped straight in them.

"Hi baby, how you feeling?" She asked kissing his lips.

"Good." He said lying his head on her shoulder.

"You having all this fun with daddy without me?" She asked.

"Daddy tickled me!" He said pointing in my direction.

"He did?" She said pursing her lips at me.

He nodded, "All because I called him old."

She tried to suppress her laughter but failed.

"Word?" I said giving her my blank face.

"Im sorry, it's funny." She said walking over to me and pecking my lips lightly with Christian still in tow.

"We'll see how old I am later on when you screaming my name to the top of your lungs." I mumbled.

She instantly turned red and pressed Christian to her chest as she covered his exposed ear with her free hand.

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