Chapter 10: Drunk Matt

Start from the beginning

"Bro, where is my ice cream. You promised!" he said moaning like a little child.

"I don't have ice cream." I said while laying on my bed. "You lied!" Matt said while gasping. "You liar! You sir, sit upon a thrown of your own lies!" he said while pouting. I chuckled lightly.

"Matt, go to sleep." I said while getting a blanket out of the closet. Matt pouted some more. His eyes widened and he clenched his stomach. He ran to the bathroom and I could hear him emptying the contents of his stomach. I went downstairs to get an aspirin and water for Matt. Once I got back upstairs, Matt was, unsurprisingly, still throwing up. I sighed and set the aspirin and water on the side table.

After a few more minutes, I heard the toilet flush and the tap run. Matt begrudgingly walked out of the bathroom, rubbing his eyes.

"I am tired." he slurred.

"Here, take this and then go to sleep." I said while handing him the aspirin and water. He took it.

"Thanks Cameron, you're a great friend." he said while getting in the bed. I nodded and switched off the lights. I also got into bed. I sighed. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a new message. I opened it. It was from Nash.


We need to talk. I'm coming over tomorrow at 5pm

I sighed. What did he want to talk about?




He wanted to talk to me. What about? These thoughts did not leave my mind the entire night. I could not sleep. I looked over to my alarm clock. '6:30' it read. I sighed. I heard Matt shuffle under the covers. He slept like rock the entire night, not moving at all. At one point I thought he was dead.

"Ahhhhhhhh" I heard Matt groan loudly. I laughed.

"My head!" he said while sitting up. He looked at me and then at the alarm clock on my bedside table.

"It's six thirty in the morning. Six thirty. This is crazy. I am going back to sleep." he said while laying back down. I knew at this point I could not fall asleep, even if I tried. And I did not want to be awake and up this early alone.

"No you're not. If you go to sleep again I will not make you breakfast." I said while getting up. Matt got up immediately.

"Feed me. Please. I need my sustenance." Matt said pleadingly. I laughed. We walked downstairs and when we got to the kitchen, Matt sat down at the counter. I started pulling out items I needed. Bacon, pancake batter, eggs and such.

"Do you remember anything at all that happened last night?" I asked Matt. Matt shrugged.

"Carter and I got into a fight." he said while sighing.

"Oh. Dude what happened?" I asked. This was weird. Carter and Matt don't fight. Ever. They're like the perfect couple, despite the fact that they aren't a couple.

"Well, I kissed him and he freaked out. That's it." Matt said, saying it like it was nothing.

"Wait what?! You kissed him? Matt? I didn't know you were gay? I didn't know you liked Carter." I exclaimed, lying the last part. Matt stood up.

"For you information, I am not gay. And second, me liking Carter, that's about as obvious as the hickey on your neck." he said with a sassy tone. My eyes widened as I felt my neck. I felt a sore spot.

Oh. I had not noticed that before.

Matt chuckled. I looked away and continued making the breakfast.

"Speaking of that hickey, I presume last night went well for you?" he said.

"I don't know actually." I said truthfully.

"Elaborate?" Matt said, now intrigued.

"Well, we almost had sex... again. But Taylor interrupted us by banging on the door telling Nash that Lia was looking for him." I rolled my eyes when I said Lia's name.

"Then he told me that we're best friends and that's all we'll ever be, despite the fact that we've had sex before and he told me he loved me." I said. At this point Matt's eyes were wide.

"Dude, I did not know that things had gotten this bad." I shurgged.

"He's coming over at 5. Says we need to talk." I said hoping Matt could help me understand what that meant.

"Well. That could either mean three things. One: He is going to admit his undying love for you and you two will run off in the distance holding hands. Two: He could completely smash your heart in tiny little pieces. And Three: He wants sex." Matt said as if almost reading my mind.

I didn't really know what to say to that. I plated up the breakfast and put it down on the counter. I sat next to Matt. He dived into his breakfast.

"This is really good Cam." he said while chewing. "You sure know how to use your hands." he said. I almost choked at the sudden sexual remark. I looked at him with wide eyes.

"What? It's true. Nash sure is a lucky guy. Hey, if you ever want to get all up on this Espinosa train. Let me know. You can ride first class." he said, saying it so casually. He erupted into laughter.

"You should've seen your face bro." he said while tears streamed down his face. I sighed, shaking my head.

"Dude I should probably head home." Matt said while putting his plate in the sink. I nodded. "Yeah dude, do you want a lift?" I asked while looking for my car keys.

"No bro, I'll walk. I literally live around the corner." he said while walking toward the door.

"You sure?" I asked while opening the front door. "Yeah man. I'll live. Thanks for breakfast and good luck with Nash." he said while walking out. "Thanks man. Good luck with Carter!" I shouted out. He gave me a thumbs up.

I shut the front door and went upstairs. It was currently 7'oclock. I had no idea what to do to waste time till Nash came over. It was a Sunday so that meant we were not filming today so I didn't have to worry about work.

I pulled out my phone and opened Instagram. Scrolling through, I saw more photos of Nash and Lia.

But one particularly caught my eye. It was posted by Nash, 10 minutes ago. It was a picture of Lia laying in bed. She was covered by blankets but you could see she was naked. The caption was ' she looks so perfect'. I snorted at his lame caption. But then the realization hit me.

They had sex.

It obviously meant something to him. I saw the way he looked at her. He didn't look at me like that. He'd never look at me like that. And with that thought I sat on my bed and wallowed in self pity for the rest of the day.


Question Of The Day: Have you read the Maze Runner books? And who is your favorite character?

-Mine is Newt

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