Off We Go

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P.S. : Go to to find my podcast of this story, so you can experience the story from a whole different perspective. From different voices and personalities.

Previously: Why would I even waste my time fawning over a boy who will probably never even know of my existence? So I don't, it might make me feel guilty. I hate feeling guilty.

We Continue: 

I want to tell my sisters but I am too reserved from them, and they all seem busy. Busy with a boy. I don't like to get too infatuated with any boys other than my boyfriend so there is less distraction. I stand up gracefully scooting my chair away from the desk, closing my laptop and smile. Looking at myself in my large mirror. 


I blew a random strand of my messy tangling hair out of my eyes. Taking deep breaths as a light of determination strikes in them. Today I was gonna kiss him. I had been practicing, as weird as that might sound. My reflection made me happy. 


I jump up really fast, squealing like a child before suddenly regaining my composure. The time is right I know it is. I can feel the uneasiness rise in my stomach and I try to calm it down. I don't do well under pressure. I try rubbing the goosebumps off of my arms. 


 I turned slowly away from the mirror looking myself up and down from the side as I walked forward towards the door. I finally looked away from the mirror to grab my phone. I then bend down to grab my wedges. When I look up my sister Victoria is standing cheerfully in the doorway. "Rock his world girlfriend!" 

She winked at me with a smirk on her face. I chuckled, walking toward her. We did our secret handshake. I smiled at her. "I'll be home in time for dinner," I said. She nodded then turned to leave.

 After she was out of sight I set out the door, only to stub my big toe on the door frame. I winced. My toe was already sore due to the fact that I had it on that same damn door frame like 50 times this week. And I'm barely home. I shuffled painfully out into the humid evening. 

The suspension was really killing me. I got into my car, to Xavier's house.

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