"Hey!" I woke up to a voice calling me. My clothes were completely soggy, must have been because I fainted on the floor. My body was shivering, covered in goosebumps, I was freezing and pale. Feeling a dull throb, I touched the back of my head and winced as a sharp pain reasonated through the bump that had formed, there was blood present, some of it had clotted up and dried, at least it wasn't bleeding, I think.

"Oi!" Hearing a whisper, I turned my head to look in front of me, and saw Math, holding out a cup of water for me.

"Here" Math handed me a glass of water as I looked at him in surprise, drinking it slowly. He handed me a fruit the size of my hand. "You need food to live, so I got you something nice, Aplons, they are my favourite" he smiled at me, contrast to his previous behaviour.

"You know that guy hates me" I said while nibbling on the fruit and he titled his head.

"So?" He asked me.

"He will kill you for helping me" I told him and he shrugged.

"If he finds out that is" he smiled. I took another bite of the fruit.

"I suppose? Thank you for the fruit though, it tastes really nice" I tried to smile and failed, but he got the hint and smiled back.

"I know right" he watched me till I was done. I drank the water and returned to cup to him.

"Thank you" I smiled a small smile and he nodded, before standing up and going to leave.

"Math!" I called out his name, making him turn to me wide eyed, before he seemingly realized something, it must've been about his name.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Why did you help me?" I asked him. He smiled ruefully.

"Because your voice is the same as my little sister, she even had the same eyes as you" he said and I took a gulp.

"Had?" I asked meekly and a shadow took over his face.

"She died, Bill killed her...." He spoke sadly and a wave of sympathy washed over me.

"I... I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked..." I muttered out and he smiled at me.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine, I'm over her and my parents anyways" he disappeared into the dark halls, and this time, I didn't stop him, I just watched him leave instead, so his family was killed by Bill huh? Bill, you have got some questions waiting in for you.... seriously though.... at least I'm not the center of Math's hatred unlike that monster.

Curling up on the cold floor, I hoped to retain some heat by staying closer to the wall, my damp clothes did not do much to provide me some warmth, however, I managed to fall asleep, feeling my wounds itch.


Seven days, today marks the seventh day of this place. I can swear to myself that even without seeing my body, I'm covered in bruises from being thrown around, some cuts, and that wound on the back of my head, and of course all the sogginess and some mud also, I've developed a cold, its harder to breathe and speak and my arms and legs are numb from the cold. Living on fruits is hard, really hard, but I can't ask Math for anymore. I was curled up on the same place that I slept in seven days ago. The corpse behind me sucks, and smells disgusting but I had grown accustomed to the nasty smell. All I had to do was close my eyes, and fall asleep, and that's what I did.

I shrieked as I was awakened rather rudely. The tall giant in front of me hauled me off my feet by my wrists, almost disclocating my already weak shoulders, and sending a sharp pain through them. I gritted my teeth, glaring at him, feeling disoriented at the rude awakening.

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