'You really don't wanna know, kid,' She blushed softly. 

'Ew. Gross.'

'You asked.'

'You use them, put them away.'

She chuckled softly catching the set of handcuffs, placing them down on the table at the end of Billy's bed. 

'Max? Eden?' Eleven called from the bathroom.

The pair shared a look and moved quickly, coming to stand in the small room. Max stepped forward and looked down into the bathtub filled with water, ice bags floating in it. 

'Ice. It's just ice,' She informed her new friend, picking up a bag; 'Probably for his muscles or something. He works out like a maniac.'

Eleven didn't seem convinced as she turned slightly, stepping forward to pull open the cabinet under the sink.

'El, what is it?' Eden asked as the girl pulled out the bin. 

Though, her face fell when she lifted a lifeguard's bag from the bin. The girl placed it down and reached in for something else, pulling out a bloodied whistle; fear riddling her face. 

'What the fuck?' The blonde whispered.

Eleven turned to face them with the whistle hanging from it's rope around her hand, her breath trembling as her eyes flicked between them. 


The trio ran through the rain as it poured from the sky, people everywhere as they tried to find their way back to their cars. The pool was empty due to the storm that had decided to make an appearance, thunder and lightning dancing through the sky. They approached the counter where the manager and his female friend sat, just as they were the previous day. 

'Excuse me,' Max stated.

'No one in the water until thirty minutes after the last strike. And don't try and argue with me,' The boy drawled without looking up from his magazine; 'You wanna get electrocuted, go climb a tree.'

'Yeah, we don't care, dickface,' Eden caught their attention; 'We're not here to swim. Or get electrocuted.'

'We found this,' Eleven held up the bag.

'Does that belong to anybody?' Max asked.

'Oh, yeah. That's Heather's. I'll get it back to her,' The boy drawled.

'We could give it back to her,' Eleven suggested.

'You could. Except she's not here. Bailed on me today. What is this? You girls want a reward or something?'

'No. We're just... Good Samaritans,' Max sneered.

'And since you didn't ring me, I'm guessing Billy's not here either?' Eden leant forward onto the bench as Eleven and Max turned away.

'No,' The boy sighed.

'Right. Dickweed, Div, have a nice day.'

The girl scoffed, her jaw falling open as she watched the Lawson girl walk away. Eden stood behind the girls as they stared at a picture of Heather, Eleven looking at it with a little more concentration.

'Heather,' Max stated; 'Do you think you can find her?'

Eleven peeked over her shoulder before ripping the photo from the pin board, looking up at her sister.

'Come on,' She motioned her head to the side; 'I got a place.'

She lead the pair into change rooms, shutting the door behind them. Max was already moving to turn all the showers in, Eleven taking a pair of scuba goggles from a bin. She tossed her some tape after searching the locker rooms, sitting beside the girl as she waited. Her leg bounced out from the anxiety sitting in her stomach, her eyes watching her sister's every move. 

Smoke Clouds || Billy Hargrove { 1 }Where stories live. Discover now