Chapter 15:Nationals prep part one

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Skipping straight to nationals cause I'm a lazy bean...joking lazy potato 🥔


Here we are! New York City! We had a hole week in New York! So here I was,driving to the police station with Klaine and Niff.

"Why didn't you invite Hunter?"
Jeff asked as I rolled my eyes.
"I live with the man Jeff. How come Blaine doesn't spend every movement with Thad?"

Everyone stayed silent till we got their. I managed to convince the officer to let me visit my father.

"Are you sure son?"
Nick asked as he pulled me aside.What cane I say,even though Jeff and Nick do joke around a lot they are like family to me.I took a deep breathe before nodding.

"I have to give in sometime."
Nick let go of my shoulder as I walked in. My father was already in the room.
My dad asked as I nodded and sat down.He sat down in front of me.

"How are you?"
He asked as I shrugged.
"I feel as if I found my soulmate."
"Who's the lucky guy."

Guy?? Why'd he just jump straight to guy! Do I really give off the gay vibe?
"Um,girl actually."
I stated after a few moments. All he could say was 'oo' as I looked away.

"My show choir made it to nationals."
"That's why your in New York?"
I nodded as I looked down.

I think it's hard talking to him cause before the hole mom incident something happened.

I looked up to see my fathers angry face.
"You are to stop hanging out with Tony! Soon before you know he's going to be a wanted criminal!"

"I'd rather be a wanted criminal than give up my best friend!"
"I don't want to raise a son that way!"

He snapped as it took a few seconds for it to hit me.
"Fine Henry...your not my father."
"Bas you don't mean it."
"Yes I do.Every single thing I've said today. I meant it all."

I was about to walk up the stairs when I felt a hand grab ahold of me.
"Bas! You are no longer aloud to hang with him! If I find out you are you will be sent to live with your uncle!"

I pulled my arm away from him,tears started to slowly escape.
"I hate you!"
I yelled as I ran up the stairs to my room. Barry and Grant were in their shared room like always.

I took a deep breath as I shot up. Their was a police officer taking my dad as I was helped up.
By the time I could speak I was dragged out and my father was already gone.

I was dragged into the room with my friend warbler.
"Seb what's happening!"

Jeff and Nick started to rush towards us as I made it out of the officers hold.
"Are you okay?"
The officer asked I was about to go off on him till I was held back.

"Am I okay?? You pinned me to the ground and took my father away from me! Do you think I'm okay?!"
Blaine,Jeff,Nick and even Kurt dragged me out and into the car.

At first I promised myself I'd never break down in front of anyone. But than I broke down in front of Santana,and now these four.

"Everything is okay Seb."
Nick said as he pulled me into a side hug. The hole ride back to the hotel I was forced into a hug with Jeff and Nick.

Once we got back I went for a walk. I ended up standing in front of my supposed to be high school.
"Are you new?"

A kid asked me,I turned to look at him. He laughed and got close to me as I took a few steps back.
"Oh what's wrong Allen?"

I laughed as I realized who in the hell it was.
"Nice to see you to see you to CCC."
He laughed as we hugged. Back when I first met Tony he got into a fight with this kid named Christopher Caleb Conners.

So we called him CCC. We talked about how life as been. Chris and me went through almost the same thing. He has a sister named Chloe Cali Conners.

Now before you go twins? Actually he was apart of a quadruple. I don't know what happened to the 4th but when he was 11 his sister was killed.

Everyone thought that anyways. But Chris went into the shadows. That's basically where we met for my last two months.

"Have you found who killed your mom?"
Chris asked me as I shook my head.
"Still searching but I am telling you Bas...we are close."

"So close."
We said together he than went to school as I went back to the warblers hotel.

"Who's ready for tomorrow!!"
Hunter yelled as we all cheered. For the warblers who drink beer ect their was a place in the back.

I walked out their to see Wes and Hunter. So I walked and grabbed three beers. I found niff and offered them one.

Jeff said as Nick took one and laughed.
"Live a little Jeff."
I said as he took it. Me and Nick smiled at each other. Nothing could ruin this night I thought.


Christopher is played by Cameron Boyce.

I would give his other quads faces but they aren't really going to appear as much as Chris might😉

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I would give his other quads faces but they aren't really going to appear as much as Chris might😉

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