Chapter 11:The groupchat

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All this morning all I've been getting are stupid text messages. Their from unknown numbers to. I was reading through all the messages.

Do you feel bad for what you did to your own triplet??

Probably not why would he

What even is this gc??

Wait group chat? Since when was I invited into a group chat?! I looked up at the title and it said new directions,I felt like I wanted to gag.

Your lucky Mike didn't get hurt!

It barely missed his eye!

I decided cause I was done of these public losers to act like someone else

New friends?

Quite the shit Sebastian

Your not very nice people...

Says the one who could have blinded his own sibling!

This Sebastian man sounds very depressed


Sebastian what has gotten into you??

Give us Santana back!!

Guys what if this isn't Sebastian

I am not a Sebastian last I checked

Than who the hell are you??

My name is Tom


Who names their child Tom??

PUCK that was very rude!!

Why would you say something like that Puck?!

I'm sorry but it's true

Who names their child puck?!
Puck:it's my nickname thank you

You guys spam a lot...

I laughed,me and Hunter we're enjoying this very much.
"Who names their child Tom?!"
Hunter mocked him as we started wheezing.

"I guess this is what public schoolers do?! It's sooo lame!"
We both laughed as their was a knock on the door. Hunter went to go get it as I continued the gc.

I'm just saying how do we know it's not Sebastian

Guys,he said his name is Tom duh,

Brittany no hard feelings but you cannot just trust someone like that!
Yeah for all we know he's a 50 year old man.

What the hell is going on?!
Have you met Tom Santana?

For the last time it's Sebastian!
I'm pretty sure he said his name was Tom

She's a lost cost guys...

Finn! That is so rude of you to say!

Finn:Mercedes it's true though!

Can you guys mind??

Brittany: yay he's back
Mercedes: Tom how old are you
Omg what if it's Tom Holland!!

Mercedes: Oh my gosh Rachel I wish!
Brittany:Are you Tom Holland?!
Rachel:spider man is the best!!
Brittany: I like cat woman.
You guys spam I'm gonna have to leave

Finn:Yeah we don't want you here Sebastian! Right Sam?
Sam:are you spider man?
Brittany:Sam is on our page!

Sure enough I ended up leaving. My phone was starting to over heat anyways. I told hunter and Klaine that I was going to Lima bean.

People say my coffee addiction is stupid. But it's the best addiction you could honestly have. I mean yeah people have told me I lived at the Lima bean.

So to say I was surprised to see Barry Allen walking towards me couldn't happen.
"Do you actually live here?!"
He questioned my life style as I shrugged. I finished up my coffee and was about to leave.

"Why did you throw slushys at us?!"
"The question Barry is why not."
He rolled his eyes as I walked away to bump into Rachel Berry.

"Am I being ganged up here?!"
I yelled in shock. Their was only Barry,Rachel and Brittany.
"What do you losers want now?"

Rachel got up in my face. I would take a step back and she would come closer.
"I have a girlfriend Rachel and you know this!"

Rachel laughed as her and Brittany shared a look.
"Well Santana started seeing Puck..."

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