Chapter10:and I oop

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Me and San we're relaxed at her house. We should have been at warbler practice but we haven't hung out lately.

"Have you heard about Mike?"
I asked her as she looked at me.
"Eh it wasn't that bad. I heard that he had things better than Barry."

"That's tough."
She laughed as I kissed her. It than went from kissing to make out,to us in bed. She took my shirt off as we broke apart.

"Are you sure about this."
I said as she looked into my eyes.
"I mean what if... you know Jeff would kill us."

I told her as the door opened.
"Santana! You and Sebastian better have a good reason to skip practice!"

By the time a angry Jeff came in I had my shirt back on and Santana was laying in her bed.
"Is San sick?!"

Jeff walked up as I simply rolled my eyes.
"Yes now what do you want Jeff?!"
Santana rolled to me as I held onto her. Lucky us Jeff didn't bother to ask any questions.

"We have news on new direction..."
I rolled my eyes. It seems to always be about the new directions.

"Barry got hit,and he might lose an eye. The one and only Rachel went of on me! Me! But yet we didn't know that rock salt would hurt!"

Jeff said as he plopped down sideways on the bed. He turned to us and smirked.
"You kept pants on right?"
I started to blush as Santana threw a pillow at Jeff. He laughed before throwing it back.

"Yes we've kept our pants on."
I could tell by Santana's tone she didn't care whether or not we both had pants on.
"Good. No Sebtana babies yet!"

"Yes Santana?"
"Get out."

I laughed as Jeff slowly got off her bed(with Santana's help.
"Did you have to kick my ass?!"
Jeff asked as I fell off the bed.

"Oh please what ass?!"
Jeff gasped as Santana showed him the door.
"I'll let you know I have America's ass!"
Jeff said as Santana coughed.

"Oh please clearly Sebastian has America's ass."
With that Santana kicked-literally- Jeff out of the house.
"Can you stop kicking my-"

She slammed the door in his face as we busted out laughing. This is the woman I am in love with.

And I decided you look well on me, well on me

So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, you and me

Glad you came (Sebtana)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora