Chapter4: memories

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I can't believe it. Everything that Sebastian had to go through but yet he seemed so strong.
"Get your hands off our friend."
Finn said as Sebastian let go. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face Finn.

"Do you not care for people's emotions? No okay Frankenteen why don't you go eat Pucks face cause we all know you do that in your free time."
(Sorry If I got Finn's nickname wrong 😬)

I grabbed Sebastian's arm and dragged him to my house his brothers followed.
"How ya been Seb?"
Barry asked as Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"Oh just so fantastic! I have clones following my every movement!"
Sebastian sighed as we got to my house. The boys looked at each other as we all walked in.
"Are y'all dating?"

Barry asked again. This hole time Thomas stayed silent.
"No,no! As much as Santana would love to have an action at this sexy body,she leans the other way."
Sebastian said with a smirk as he sat down on the sofa with a beer.

"You know your underage right?!"
Thomas spoke up as he stared at Sebastian.
"Yes dear brother,that's what makes it so fun."
Sebastian winked at me as I giggled and sat down next to him.

"Where are your parents?"
The two asked at the same time. I looked at Sebastian as he gave me a side hug before I looked at them.
"My father is dead,mom doesn't come home and most my family has disowned me since my dad died,But my cousin Jeff and step brother Hunter."

I started to tear up as Sebastian put his beer down to fully hug me. He kissed my head as I rested my head on his chest.
"Are you sure she swings the other way?"
A very curious but sad Thomas said.

"Yes I'm sure,she's just my best friend now why aren't you guys back in that lame city of yours? Don't you have some nerdy science things to do?"
Sebastian said as we let go of each other. I really wish I could tell him how I truly feel.

My stupid brothers. Can't they see I don't need them in my city.
"See Seb,we thought we'd visit you! It's been so long since we seen you!"
Barry said as he sat down next to me. I simply rolled my eyes(a thing me and Santana have in common)

"Plus we heard you still sing?"
Thomas adds in shook. I smirked and stood up.
"In a matter a fact I do! Why did you come all this way to hear me sing?!"

They both looked at each other than back at Me.
"You left us pretty worried Sebastian."
Barry states.
"We just want to go back to the good times!"

(Another childhood moment.)

Barry and Thomas were working on a science project. It wasn't for school but for fun! I wouldn't even do one for school.

"How much longer is this going to take!"
I complained as I looked at the sky.
"Do you want it to explode?"
Thomas said as he threw a ball at me.

I caught it and smirked as I threw it up in the air and caught it a few times.
"Almost done!"
Thomas and Barry said excitedly. Dad came out to the backyard and laughed.

"What are y'all making?"
Dad asked as I sat up and turned to look at him.
"We're making a volcano sprinkler! Only because Sebastian broke the actual sprinkler..."
Barry said with a laugh as I coughed.

"I did not do such thing!"
I told dad as he laughed. He played with my hair as Thomas yelled done. I got up and helped them connect it to the hose.

Only because without me they wouldn't have been able to.

"We barely have good times."
I lied to them as I got up to throw away my beer.
"That's such lies Seb!"
Barry said as he blocked my way to the fridge.
"Remember the volcano sprinkler? And the times you taught me how to stand up to Tony?"

I looked down at him. For the record Tony was like my only friend. He was mad at me when I told him I was moving in with a family friend.
"Not like you actually stood up to him."

I laughed as I managed to make my way into the fridge and grabbed another beer.
"Santana want one?"
She nodded as I got her one and opened it for her. Thomas was sitting next to her as I took my seat again.

"Plus dear brothers,here is the thing:The sprinkler wasn't even fun. So the only good moment we had was few."
I snapped.

"Why are y'all even still here?"
I asked them as Barry poked me in the chest before sitting down.
"I guess if you want we could leave."
"Thank you Barry. Goodbye now."

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