Chapter5:sky fell on me.

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I was on my way to visit the warblers!No one would actually miss me at glee practice anyways.

I got to the school and made my way to the practice room.
"Yo warblers!"
I said as I seen Niff and Sebastian than a new face.
"If it isn't the one and only Santana Lopez."
Hunter smiled as we hugged.

"Are our parents still together?"
I asked him as he laughed.
"Nope! My father went to purpose and she straight up dumped him right before he could!"
We both laughed as Sebastian and Jeff came up.

"Hey favorite cousin!"
Jeff said as I laughed and hugged. I looked over at Sebastian as he was blushing. Did he like Jeff?
"Hi satan nice seeing you here."

Sebastian said as he blushed a little more. Does he feel the same way I do?
"Sebastian.A word please."
Hunter eyed Sebastian as he nodded and they walked out of the room.
"So did you come here to sing?"

Jeff asked happily as I laughed.
"In your dreams Jeff."
I joked,it's not like I came to see Sebastian at all. The warblers continued practice. Sebastian would look at me from time to time and Hunter eyed him the hole time.

Once their practice ended everyone left but Sebastian.
"Well hello there...Satan."
"Hello their Andrew McCaffrey"
(watch me not spell that right..for the record it's like 3AM)

He laughed as he clicked play on a disk and music started to play. I smiled cause it was our song!
(Video is above)

I admit. I have a crush on my best friend. Hunter asked me to talk to him,we were out of the practice room when he playfully punched me.

"Crushing on my sister are you?"
I sighed and started to play with my hair.
"Are you mad?"
I asked a bit worried. He laughed and than looked at me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"1:Sebtana is better than endgame! 2:no reason to be mad. 3:invite me to the wedding."
I couldn't help but blush. Sebtana?
"Should I bother asking what Sebtana stands for.."

He smiled and patted me on the shoulder.
"Niff came up with it. Guess it was comeback for coming up with theirs."
I laughed as Hunter was about to walk in.
"Make the first move Smythe!"
Hunter said as we walked in and finished practice.

During the practice I couldn't help look at Santana. Hunter was looking at me,of course he wanted me to make the first move. Once practice was over I went up to Santana.

"Well hello there...Satan."
I smirked as I grabbed the CD player and sat down next to Santana.
"Hello their Andrew McCaffrey"
I laughed at the nickname she gave me.

Gosh she's so cute. I clicked play as our favorite duet song smooth criminal came on.

((You all know how it goes ya?¿))

At the end we were only a few feet apart. I really wanted to kiss her. I mean I could feel her breathe! I leaned in...

We finished the song,we were a few feet away from each other. We stayed their in silence. But yet it felt so nice. I really wanted to kiss him. Without thinking we both leaned in.

(omg this is starting to turn into flipped and I hate that movie)

I don't know how long we stayed their. At first it started as a kiss,than I grabbed her close. It felt so nice. Once she pulled away our faces we're still close.

"That was the best kiss I ever had."
Santana smirked as I laughed. I put my hand on her cheek as she blushed.
"S-Santana...will you be my girlfriend?"

She grabbed me by my tie and kissed me again. Gosh I could get used to this feeling. She pulled away as I was smiling so hard my face started to hurt.

"I'll take that as a yes my lady."
I said as she smirked.
"It's one million yes's than."
We heard cheering in the background as we both turned-still close to see Jeff,Nick and Hunter near by.

"About time!"
Nick yelled as he clapped. Jeff was crying.
"That was so beautiful!"
Jeff said as Nick laughed and hugged him. Hunter smirked and actually came over.

"I told you to make the first move,I'm impressed you both pulled it."
Hunter laughed as he hugged me than my girlfriend.
"You should tell the new directions!"

Niff said at the same time as I turned to look at Santana.
"Well duh! Why wouldn't I tell them I have the hottest person as my man?!"

I blushed as we all laughed and I wrapped my arm around Santana. We said our goodbyes as we went to go tell the new directions about Sebtana.

You cast a spell on me, spell on me

You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me

Glad you came (Sebtana)Where stories live. Discover now