Chapter13:find her

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Oo yes chapter13 very good band

I ran to Dalton and went to Santana's room. She wasn't their. I tried every place I knew she loved at Dalton.

"Where are you Santana?!"
I said as I checked the room where we first met. It was where we also first did our first duet.

She's gone
You tried. Not hard enough

I ran yet again. Out of Dalton to where the cars I didn't see her car.

She's gone

I fell to my knees as I started to cry.

You  had your chance
You could have done better
But you chanced her away

I was literally just laying down in the middle of the parking lot crying. I didn't seem to be manly enough for Santana anyways.

I had a feeling she was trying to rush things. I just don't think or know if I'm ready. Central city is only a few hours away. I grabbed my car and went for a road trip

Gosh what am I doing?! Sebastian may be bisexual but he's heartbroken. Then here's me trying to heal him with my love.

He needs Santana,not me. I just want him to be happy. I thought Santana would make him happy. It kills me to see my love heartbroken.

So here we are,trying to figure out where in the he'll Sebastian Smythe would be.
"Gosh why did we let him go outside?!"
Jeff said as we walked into the practice room.

"Anyone seen Sebtana??"
Nick asked as everyone who was their shook their heads. Fuck I thought.

"Last I seen Sebastian he was laying down in the parking lot. Than he got up and into his car."
David said. We all started to think about where he would have went. Me and Jeff went to check Santana's house. Blaine went to check Sebastian's house(since he was the only one of us aloud their)

Once we got to Santana's Jeff knocked on the door. We waited for a few moments till Santana opened up. She was a hot mess.

I pulled Santana in a hug as she cried. Hours went by of Santana laying in her bed crying into my chest. Once she finally stopped it seemed like she was sleeping.

"Poor San."
Jeff said as he sat on her other side.
"We have to save Sebtana."

I told him. But did I really want to save them? I mean I'm happy for my sister,I really am. But it kills me just as much as Santana feels right now to see them together.

Sebastian doesn't know,he can't know that I'm bisexual. He would never be able to know that I love him. Cause he doesn't even feel the same way.

I was getting side tracked. Me and Jeff our Santana to sleep and showed ourselves the door.
"Your trying to find my brother?"

One of the triplets said.
"I think I might know where to look."

I got out of my car and knocked on the door. The face I sorta missed opened the door.
"What do you want Allen?"
Tony said as he pushed me. Crap he probably thought I was Barry or Grant.

"Chill your high horse Tony."
He laughed as he tackled me into a hug before dragging me inside.

"What brings you here? Most importantly how'd you find out I'd be here?"
Tony asked as I laughed.

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