|Chapter Twenty-Three| Grand Gesture

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|Kenny's P.O.V. ; 6:39 A.M. ; The Bus Stop|

Less than one hour. Or if you weren't looking on the bright side, one hour left. I couldn't help but worry. What if he hates me for rejecting him? What if he already likes somebody else? What if, what if, what if?

"I'm Kyle!" The teen in the green hat yelled. "That's what I said, I'm Kyle!" Cartman responded.

Stan had completely backed out of the conversation even if his boyfriend kept trying to get him back in the argument. "Stan!" He whined. "Tell Fatass here he's not me!"

Eric fake moaned very loudly. "Oh, Stan! Oh yeah! Touch me because I'm definitely a bottom! Ah~!" He was nothing like the real thing. I think he's still a virgin. 

The kid in the red puff ball hat held back Kyle, whose face turned red from anger. "Um, Cartman, you should stop, if you know what's good for you," Stan warned.

 "Or what? Is Kyle going to tell me all about how Jesus is a lie? Suck my straight balls!" 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" I don't know if you know this about Kyle, but he gets angry very quickly when it comes to Fatass. Or just making fun of people in general. He has a very high sense of self and morality. 

Maybe that's why he fell for Stan and not me or Eric. Kyle tackled Cartman to the ground and shoved his face into the snow. "Oh no!" he mocked. This is going to be bloody. "Kyle's going to rape me! I knew Jews were rapists!"

He shouldn't have said that.

Me and Stan just stood back and watched the braw layout. It was pretty simple though. Kyle was going to K.O. Cartman with the first punch that hits, but that might take a while because Eric had gotten nimbler. 

"Kick his ass babe!" Stan cheered on his lover as lovers should. Eric dogged a few punches by ducking his head before kicking Kyle in the chest and stood up now able to run away.

Before he could, Kyle grabbed onto the back of his jacket and what looked like part of his shirt, keeping the boy from leaving. "I told you a million times, stop making fun of my people!!" I looked over to see what Stan's reaction was only to see he was on Facebook Live. 

I checked my phone to see some of the comments. Even Wendy, the person who was a pacifist for most of her life after 3rd grade, was cheering Kyle on! Even if Kyle "took" her boyfriend, as she liked to say. 

The inevitable happened once Cartman took a hit to the face. He fainted and the Daywalker dropped him into the snow. Remind me never to piss off him again. Even if I can't die, Kyle is still pretty fucking scary when he wants to be. And I've met Sudam!

The bus came soon after the "fight" if you could even call it that, and the boyf-riends and I almost missed it. "Make out on your own time!" I interrupted them and slapped each on the back of there head. 

"Look who's talking, Kenny McWhoreDick!" Kyle snarled at me. Damn, he must really be in a bad mood. We all pushed to get into the bus as the bus driver screamed at us. 

I sat at the back, like always, and tried my best not to freak out. There was no going back. It took a lot of time and a lot of effort, but I figured out Buttercream's sedual.

On Wednesdays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, he took the bus, and on Mondays and Fridays, he rode or walked to school, except on the 5th, the 12th, the 17th, and the 26th. He took the bus on those days no matter what. 

Today is Monday the 15th so he should walk giving me time to get set up. I yawned in exhaustion. I stayed up till three in the morning for this boy! I did not just want to get into his pants that's for sure!

When the bus doors finally opened, I quite literally jumped over the seats to get to the front. I ended up giving out "I O U"'s to everybody in the vehicle. 

People were starting to gather at the entrance to the school, and I knew exactly why. Stan and Kyle were talking about it in a way I didn't want to hear or understand. Craig said something about how they "stuck again" to Clyde who was ignoring him and talking to Token.

I pushed past the crowd, but not to look at my work like I had done before. No, instead I got to the side to the school and climbed up a latter I placed there the night before. 

On the roof was the boom box I borrowed from Kyle, with a mixtape still in it. Before I did my grand gesture, I had to make sure the right person was in the crowd. I scanned the sea of students looking for Butterscotch.

All was going according to plan. The dragon I had painted onto the entrance drawing almost everyone to the front of the school, including Butters. After I knew he was here, I was going to do the riskyest thing I'd ever done in my life. 

Sure enough, I spotted the blonde from everyone else. He looked so confused and adorable. Now is the time. 

I took a deep breath and turned the boom box on. The music cut through everyone's conversations, bringing their attention to the sound. Slowly, I pick up the box and set it on my head for balance.

I stepped onto the ledge carefully and heard mutiple people gasp.

"Leopold Butters Scotch!" Many students turned to the blonde. "I know I don't deserve your forgiveness for all the shit I did to you, and I certainly know that I don't deserve you, but well you didn't deserve a lot of sick shit that happened to you so maybe the odds will be in my favor." 

I took a deep breath and tried my best to say what I had to say without stuttering or mumbling. I set the boom box down and shut it off then carefully jumped off the side like Mysterion would without getting hurt.

By this time, Buttercup was at the front of the crowd and almost screamed when I jumped. Slowly I got down on one knee.

Almost everyone gasped.

"Buttercup, I know up don't believe me but I do love you. And I really do want to stop being a common slut and start being your slut..." He stayed silent and I swore I saw his eyes tear up.

 I pulled out a ring pop I opened earlier from out of my pocket and took his hand in mine. "Butters, will you be my boyfriend?" I asked nervously.

He tackled me with a hug kissed my cheek. "Yes, you moron!" Buttercup laughed with me. I ran my fingers through his hair and pulled him closer. 

"This time, I want to kiss you the right way..." I whispered. He pressed our lips together sweetly. There was no lust behind the kiss, just passion and love. A spark that wouldn't be there forever, but I was glad to let it go. I'm not sure if he knew what he was doing, but I knew he was doing it RIGHT.

We pulled away after a few seconds of bliss. "I never want this moment to end!" He giggled. 

"Maybe it doesn't have to end. Maybe it doesn't..."


A new Bunny book will come out soon, but it will be much darker and I will use a different format than I used before.

Anyway, hope you liked it!

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