|Chapter Twenty-Two| Dragon

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|Kenny's P.O.V. ; 1:06 A.M. ; South Park High|

Look at me showing up early on a Monday! Tomorrow Butters was coming back, and this had to be perfect! I was mostly done with my work, but it was still missing something...


The sound of the spray cans filled the still night. The slightly crumbled paper was held in my other hand. Purple streaks of color mixed with blue and pinks. Yellow fangs incased the front doors like a cage, sharp looking claws looked as if they had implanted themselves into the mud and dirt below. That was what I was going for anyway. I definitely wasn't the best at art and had completely failed the class. 

Never the less, I was going to make a grand gesture of sorts. I stood in front of my work and frowned. Maybe I shouldn't have done this at all. Butters was a real artist.

Might as well finish the picture. I spray the paint to curl around the body of the dragon and lay on the ground next to the claws. I added spikes to the tail and my best attempt at shading to give the drawing depth. Gray paint for smoke coming out of the nostrils.

There. Finished. I packed the paint cans into the duffle bag Buttercup left them in, and slung it over my shoulder. Checking around the corners of buildings and cars, I tip-toe my way to Butters house, dropping the remaining cans in a bush on the side of his house.

I'll tell him about that later.

My house is surprisingly close to my house so it didn't take much effort to get back. The hard part was getting to my window without being noticed. As Mysterion, this should be easy, but the walls of my house are so thin, you can hear the wind if you're in the center. Of course, I was going to make some noise, I wasn't an idiot, but how do I stop anyone from waking up?

I can't open the front door without tearing the piece of crap from its hinges, and that would definitely get some attention. It's the same for killing myself. If I shoot myself in the face, I'd wake everyone in the neighborhood up, and just replacing the memory with something else about me. And we don't have a latter so that's out of the question. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the drain on the side of the house. It's a risky move but if I say out here, I'm sure to get caught. 

Slowly, I make my way to the metal pipe and wrap my gloved hands around it. Part of me knew if I didn't have gloves on, I'd probably get my hands stuck on the cold metal. I pushed myself up to the pipe and stubbled the first few times, up quickly got the hang of it. "Yes!" I congratulated myself for succeeding at grabbing the window seal. Quicky I pulled myself up and fell on my floor with a small thump.

"And where exactly have you been?" My blood when cold. Karen was sitting on my bed with a worried look on her face. She had grown up a whole lot but was still a little kid inside. 

She looked like she had been crying for an hour. "Big brother, please tell me..." Karen's voice was weak and shaky. Her stair made me feel like she was trying to take my soul. I stayed silent with the lack of words. "What were you doing...?"


"Did you do something bad?"

"No! Well, yes, but for a good reason, I swear!" I plea to my sister. "What did you do exactly...?"

I shifted my weight from side to side nervously and even rubbed my knuckles together the way Butters dose. "I vandalized the school..." I hung my head in shame. "Kenny, how does vandalizing the school count as a good thing?" 

"It doesn't! It's just that I need to do something! I'll tell you all about it later okay? This is something very important to me." Karen got off my bed and walked toward the entrance to my room. Before she left, she told me one thing.

"You better not be lying." She left my room.

I sighed and hid my face ever more in my hands. I hate keeping secrets. If I just swallowed my pride and told Butters my true feelings I wouldn't have to lie to Karen! Not only that but I'd be in the best fucking relashionship ever! 

But noo~! You just had to reject him and stay with Annie because you have a thing for big tits! And you ended up breaking up with her anyway because she turned out to be a huge fucking bully! To your Buttercup!!

Calm down, Kenny... You have plans... 

I pulled out my phone that I won from Cart-fuck and dialed a number. I know you never, NEVER, fuck with someone from Jerzy.

|Kyle's P.O.V. ; 1:45 A.M. ; Kyle's Room|

I woke to a loud buzzing coming from my phone. "I swear to God, if Stan is calling because he misses me again, I am going to break up with him..." I mumbled. And of courses, I wasn't going to break his heart like that. 

If I was going to break his heart, it would be to leave for a ridiculous amount of time and then return with a kid I adopted for us. 

The screen was way too bright at first, but my eyes quickly adjusted. "Lady McCormick", the words read. I answered my phone.

"This better be important," I growled at my childhood friend. "Because if it's not, I will tear out your intestines and make you eat them very slowly, but patch you up so you don't bleed out."

Kenny's gagging could be heard from the other line. I thought he knew better than to wake up sleeping giants. "W-well, it is actually! Do you still have that boom box Stan borrowed once?"

I rubbed my eyes in frustration. "Yes I do, what of it?"

"Leave it outside your doorstep, I promise that's all I want!" He pleaded. This made me a bit worried. Kenny never acted like this. "And what's in it for me?"


"I'll make Cartman admit he likes Wendy."

"You have yourself a deal McCormick." I hung up and got the boom box out of my garage and left it on my front steps just like I said I would. 

Seeing Cartman get hit in the face by a girl was going to be the time of my life. Not that getting hit by a girl is being a pussy or anything, it's just that he's a biggit so it will be a hit to his ego. 

I can't wait to see wait Kenny is brewing.

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